“I’ll tell them.” He frowned as he let me go.

I headed for the door again but paused for a brief moment.

“I hope I can remember being friends with you both someday and meet your child.” I glanced at them as they held onto one another. “Triple your security.” But paused. “Is Jesper's mother alive?"

“No, the Queen of Kizar died soon after he was born.” Sybrien looked at me oddly. I nodded, then turned without a word and walked around the corner, willing my magic to take me back home.

Chapter 21


It had been three days since I saved Petra and Sybrien. My father had not said anything to me, so I didn’t think he would suspect that I killed his men. But every day that passed, the more paranoid I became. Did they know that my magic let me travel in mere seconds? They would’ve killed me by now if they did.

I focused on the men fighting but could not stop thinking about my father and how atrocious I found him to be.

“Thea.” I froze when Jesper spoke from behind me. My face remained blank as I turned to look at him. “Your father needs you.”

“Alright.” I nodded before turning back to the men. “You’re excused for the day!”

They stopped combat immediately to salute me. I followed Jesper as we silently moved toward the castle.

“You’ve been training the men extra in the last few days.” He looked at me oddly.

“We're expecting war. Isn’t that what you do when you need your soldiers to be the best—train them?”

Jesper didn’t say anything as we stepped into the throne room. My father dominated the space with his height and fancy robes. He was glaring at me as he stood at the map of Elloryon. Fuck. What did he know?

“Thanks for coming,” he sighed and looked away from me. I relaxed as soon as he looked concerned.

“What’s wrong?”

“King Sybrien and his wife are still alive.” He watched me closely, like he expected some sort of reaction. I gave away nothing. “Our men never got to them and didn’t come back like they should have yesterday.”

“Well, maybe something happened, and they had to put it off for a few days.” I offered, knowing I had murdered both of them. Flashes of my darkness punching a hole through the man made me smile to myself.

“No, these were some of our best men. They would have been in and out. Something happened when they got there.”

Jesper’s eyes were staring intently at the side of my face, but I refused to look at him. I pretended to be thinkingabout something, but all I could picture was the guard I burnt to a crisp.

“Alright, then attack Falgon or Crimson before word gets out. If our men were killed by Akecia guards, then he will likely warn the other kingdoms, right? Move in before he gets the chance.”

Jesper’s gaze finally turned to my father, and I saw him give him a surprised look. They hadn’t expected me to plan another attack, which was good for me.

My eyes glanced around his throne room. I had ripped it apart the other day searching for my bloodstone so I could break my curse, but I didn’t find it. It had to be in this room. My father was always here, and it was always guarded. My darkness crept from me undetected and searched the area for its power again, but I frowned when it felt nothing.

“We have men scouting the borders of Falgon and Crimson now. We should know by the morning which kingdom is our next move. Akecia locked down their border, so they are not an option.”

“Alright, well, let me know what you need from me when the scouts return.”

“We will.” My father smiled at me like he wasproud.


Turning, I headed for the door but stopped when my father spoke again.

“I’m so glad to have you back home, Thea.”

I wanted to vomit, but I turned back and smiled.