“You knew I was watching you.” I accused.

She chuckled. Her purple eyes took in the sight of me. Her dark blonde hair was starting to fall out of place as she sat down.

“I knew you’d come someday.”

“Do we know each other?”

“Yes.” She frowned at me. “I assume you’re here to claim your right as the queen of the blood witches.”

Confusion plagued me. This wasn’t the blood coven.

The woman frowned at me when she saw how confused I was.

“If that isn’t why you’re here, then why are you?”

“I’m looking for Yerma.”

“The queen of the Ravenstone coven.” Her voice was soft. “What for?”

“Why would I tell you?”

My darkness wasn’t warning me that this woman was a danger. She smiled at me when I tried to read her mind.

“That won’t work on me, my queen. But do not fear; you can simply control any of us with a command. We cannot defy you.”

My darkness swarmed around me, but with a happiness I had never felt before. When I glanced at the woman, she smiled brightly at me.

“You are a sight to behold.”

“What is your name?”


I took a steady breath before telling her what I found in the mattress. I wanted to collect vengeance for what she had done to Exile. Genia was very silent as she stared at me. My eyes had turned red during my story. I was pissed and could hardly control myself.

“You don’t believe me,” I sighed.

“No, I do, and I know why she helped your father.”

I sat up straighter as she admitted that. Her eyes faded from purple to red like mine. She lifted thesleeve of her dress up to reveal swirls like mine, but hers were smaller, and she didn’t have as many.

“You’re a blood witch.” I shook my head. “I thought everyone died.”

“Your mother gathered the coven one night. She was frantic and scared. I had never seen her like that before. She demanded that we all pack our things and come here to the Ravenstone coven because your father was on his way to kill all of us. We told her to come with us, but she kept talking about how your father had you and was keeping you from her. When she commanded that we leave without her, we had no choice but to listen. She said that she needed to free your magic and get you away from your father; then she would join us. Apparently, she had made a deal with Yerma that she would watch over you until you were old enough if she didn’t make it back to us.”

Genia frowned at me.

“We waited for her, but she never came for us. Eventually, we went back to the blood coven and found her dead. We loved your mother. She was such a wonderful woman, Thea, and she loved you.”

“So, my father killed her.” Sadness filled me before anger and rage took over.

“Yes. He didn’t want her to let your magic out. We told her we would stay and fight. We all love you too, but shesaid she couldn’t risk us, but she was also terrified that your father would kill you.”

“How many blood witches are here?”

“All of us, around a hundred. We would have more, but Yerma doesn’t let us leave Ravenstone. She is cruel, and I believe she’s helping your father because she doesn’t want you to claim your right to become the queen of blood witches. If you do that, then she loses power, and all of us, and Yerma loves power. She is nothing like your mother was. She has refused to let us go out to find mates. It’s like she knows if there are too many of us, she won’t be able to control us. She is cruel even to her own witches.”

“So, you’re a prisoner here.”