“Fuck you, Thea,” she hissed. “No one will believe you, Crimson whore.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You really should come up with a better insult than that. I know it's hard for you to think with that pea-sized brain in your head, but do try a little harder.” She insulted her. Mae charged at her, and it made Thea’s smile widen. Thea changed her stance, getting ready to punch her, but Jesper stopped her.

“She would kick your ass, Mae.” He gave her a pointed look.

“Of course, you’re sticking up for her!” Mae yelled.

“Fine, go slap her and see what she does, but don’t come crying to me when she hurts you,” he sighed and droppedher. Mae looked at Thea and took a step forward before she stopped, thinking better of it.

“What’s going on?” Gwyn’s voice filled the space, and I was actually happy to hear it for once. My smile widened as I watched her reaction.

“I caught your daughter fucking Jesper on the table.” Stars, Thea was not beating around the bush with this.

Gwyn’s eyes frosted over at this news. Her eyes glanced at Mae with a burning rage.

“Mae, go to bed now,” Gwyn snapped. “Disgraceful.”

Mae stared at the floor as she rushed from the hallway. Gwyn looked at Jesper and glared.

“You are marrying Tally tomorrow and couldn’t keep your dick in your pants the night before your own wedding?” she sneered.

For once, I was on her side. I watched as she walked toward him and slapped him across the face. Jesper’s head turned at the impact of it. Shit, Gwyn’s slap surprised both me and Thea.

"Gwyn,” he started, and she slapped him again.

“If you hurt Tally, I will slit your throat while you sleep.” Her voice held a special kind of hatred in it for Jesper. “Get the fuck out of my face,” she hissed. Jesper glared at Thea, who just kept smiling at him. I could see her darknesswas still clinging to her, which meant she was still worried about something. Gwyn turned to her and was tense.

“Why are you smiling so damn much?”

“Because…” Thea cocked her head to the side and looked directly into Gwyn’s eyes. “Your precious Tally will be treated as well as my father treated you in your marriage.”

This obviously pissed off Gwyn, who raised her hand and went to slap Thea, but Thea caught Gwyn’s wrist and yanked her closer.

“I’ll see you tomorrow for the wedding,” she spoke as if it were a promise. “You better get some sleep. It’s going to be a very long day.”

Gwyn watched as Thea disappeared down the hallway and out of sight. Gwyn’s face was red with anger when Luren came walking toward her with Jesper in tow. They stood in the hallway for a moment before Jesper spoke.

“She is being odd, Luren. I’m telling you something is not right with her,” Jesper pleaded.

“Because she caught you and Mae?” Luren scoffed. “It’s Thea; she has always been reactive.”

“Jesper’s right, dear. The way she talked to us and looked at us was like she used to.” Gwyn backed up Jesper.

It was silentfor a long moment.

“Maybe we should just kill her and try again after the wedding,” Gwyn spoke.

Luren still said nothing. They were suspicious of Thea, and that terrified me.

“What would have happened? We have the stone; it is not possible that she broke her curse, so what are you suggesting?”

“Maybe she is having flashes of memories?” Gwyn whispered.

“Perhaps she knows that we are lying because she saw something. Maybe Cassius got to her,” Jesper sighed. “Maybe Gwyn is right; we should kill her and try again. Something is not right.”

“We have never been in this position before. I am not going to give up Thea because you two think something is wrong. Besides, after the wedding tomorrow, she will prove her loyalty to us, and if not, then we will start over again.”