Their eyes shined brightly at my words. Our realm would be so much better when they were gone.
“What do you need us for?”
“I needed to warn you about what will happen after Jesper and Tally marry and make sure Cassius stays out of it. And if something happens to me, Sybrien, I need you to give Cassius this.” I passed him a letter. At first, he refused to take it, but I shoved it into his hand. “Please.”
“Fine.” He frowned. “But he will kill me if something happens and I knew of your plan.” He was right; Cassius would be completely unhinged.
“I will wait until Tally and Jesper marry. Then I will kill all of them. My father, Gwyn, Jesper, and my half-sisters. By the law, I would then be the only bloodline left for both Cerithia and Kizar. Jesper was the last born of his bloodline, so it would automatically go to me as the last heir. I want to show that Crimson is an ally to Falgon and Akecia,so I want your kingdoms to split Kizar as Crimson’s token of wanting peace for good.”
They were both silent, and I thought maybe they would refuse. Then Sy and Valor smiled at me.
“Gods be damned, Thea, I can’t wait to see this,” Valor chuckled. “You have a fucking deal.”
“I’m always on your side.” Sybrien smiled. “Crimson is going to the wedding, but it was mostly to see you. I will make sure Cassius does not intervene.”
I hesitated.Cassius will die.
“Thank you. I’m sorry I had to take you in the night. I just didn’t want anyone to see us meet. But I want you all to know that my father is scheming something, so be on alert.”
Valor’s dark eyes glanced around the shambled house.
“Where are we?”
“In Exile.” I frowned. “Let’s get you both back home before someone notices.”
They both stood, and I let shadows swarm around us and take us all back to their kingdoms. Valor was the first stop, then Sybrien. I went to leave, but Sybrien stopped me.
“Cassius will be so proud of you, Thea. He has been a mess without you, and he never stopped trying to get you back.”
“I know.” I smiled. “I’m very lucky. How have you been feeling?” Shit. I wasn’t supposed to remember that he had been sick.
“You do remember.” He frowned at me. “Why’d you lie?”
“Sy, please, you cannot tell anyone. Especially Cassius.”
“He deserves to know.” Sy looked at me oddly.
“He’ll die if you tell him,” I whispered. “A seer told me that Cassius will die if he knows I broke my curse. He will try to save me. You cannot tell him. If you do, he dies.”
“Fuck.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I promise I won’t say anything; if anything, I will try to get him not to intervene.”
“Thank you.”
He gave me a hug.
“Now how are you and Petra feeling?”
“I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been. Thank you for saving me. I would’ve been dead already if you hadn’t. And Petra is doing well; she is so excited she already has the baby room decorated,” he chuckled.
“I’m glad you’re still here. I have to go, but I’ll see you in a few days.”
Then I disappeared, but I didn’t go to Cerithia. Cassius lay in our bed and slept soundly. Gods, how did I get so lucky to have him? I slipped off my boots and cloak. Iadmired him as he slept. He had always been so breathtaking to look at. I would never understand how I was so lucky to have him.
The stars blessed me with a great life the moment they made him for me. Quietly, I slipped into bed and lay so I was facing him. Slowly, my fingers traced over his warm chest before moving up to his face. Cassius slowly opened his eyes.
“This is a great way to wake up.” He smiled as his gaze lingered on me. I gave him a soft smile as his fingers brushed my hair out of my face. Cassius watched me closely before he spoke again. “Is something wrong? “Why is your darkness clinging to you?”
“Everything is fine."