I could picture Kaz and Kai telling me how I could beat their asses in a fight. My throat stung with emotions as the tears seemed never-ending. I didn’t know how I could ever move past their loss. I sat in the silence of Exile reminiscing about my years here. Then my darkness dug its claws into me, not relenting. She wanted me to picture all the ways I could kill Cerithia’s royal family and Jesper.
My mind raced with all the things I could do to make them pay, and after a long while, I smiled.
Their days were limited, but first I needed to meet with Falgon and Akecia’s kings.
Chapter 29
The following day, I started my plan. My father had been watching me closer because my darkness was still not relenting. He demanded to know what was wrong, but I ignored him. I waited until it was far into the night before I paid a visit to Falgon and Akecia.
King Sybrien and King Valor were not impressed when I entered their kingdoms and kidnapped them. They both glared at me like I had lost my fucking mind, and they were right. Each hour that passed after going to Exile, my darkness seemed to get more and more unhinged. They were both sitting in Exile with me now. My magic held them to the chairs in mine and Sybil’s home.
“You can scream all you want; no one will hear you.” I sighed as I took gags from their mouths. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Have you lost your fucking mind!” King Valor yelled. “My kingdom will destroy you.”
I raised my brow at him because we both knew they wouldn’t beat me. He slowly calmed down when I said nothing back. That, and he was loyal to Cassius and Crimson; he would never lay a hand on me.
“Thea, whatever you think you have to do, you don’t. I know your father has convinced you that we are your enemy, but we aren’t,” King Sybrien said calmly. “You saved my wife and I. Why kill us now?”
I smiled at him. It was hard not to because he and his wife were such good friends with Cassius and I.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” I said again. “I will release you if you promise to sit and talk with me.”
They looked at one another before nodding. I released them, and they both stayed seated. King Sybrien’s white hair practically shined in the darkness of Exile. King Valor’s red hair reminded me of my fire.
“I’m sorry I... kidnapped you, but this is important, and I needed to speak to both of you together. Before the wedding.”
They stared at me confused before Sybrien spoke.
“Your father doesn’t know you arespeaking to us.”
I turned and sat in another chair I had dragged in here. Gods, I probably looked psychotic. I had startled myself when I returned after Della took elite fae from Exile. My eyes were solid black, with my darkness running in my blood, making my veins black under my pale skin. I was terrifying to behold.
“You have our attention.” Valor’s curiosity practically shined in his eyes. My darkness could feel the fear radiating off of him, but Sybrien’s fear was nonexistent.
“You are aware of my prophecy.”
“Yes.” They nodded together.
“Good. I’m about to fulfill it.”
At this, Sybrien’s fear kicked in. Oops, poor choice of words.
“I’m not killing you, Sybrien, or you, Valor. Calm down; I can feel your fear.” Sybrien’s head tilted at me. Confusion was clear on his face. His dark eyes widened when he stared at me.
“By the stars, Thea, you remember.” He stood and walked to me. “When did you break your curse?”
Valor’s dark eyes practically popped from his skull.
“I didn’t.” I lied. “But I know I am going to kill my father and Jesper. I just needed you two to be aware because it will likely happen at the wedding. Does Jesper have any blood relatives?”
“No,” Sy sat back down with a frown. I knew him well enough to know that he was suspicious of me. “He was an only child, and both sides of his family had illnesses, so he is the only one left. Why?”
“I wanted to know if I needed to kill anyone before the wedding. Once he marries Tally and I kill them, I will be the sole surviving member of his family, so I will inherit his lands.”