Tonight is no different, and it’s like these walls are made of paper for all the privacy they offer. The moans and groans from Cassie’s room are like a broken record stuck on repeat.
I slam my laptop shut and push back from my desk. “This is nuts,” I mutter, running a hand through my hair.
Just as I contemplate bailing to the living room for some peace, I hear the creak of Cassie’s bedroom door. She walksout looking like she’s just conquered the world, with her latest conquest in tow. They go at it for a quick, steamy kiss before she nonchalantly says, “See ya around.”
After Cassie slams the door shut, she turns her attention to me with a cheeky grin on her face. “Izel, my dear, we weren’t too loud for you in there, were we?”
I raise an eyebrow, unamused. “Loud? Cassie, you shook the damn walls.”
She laughs and strolls over to the kitchen, snagging a water bottle. “Sometimes I wonder if I should mess around with guys like these just to remind myself what bad is. The decent ones are like freaking unicorns.”
I nod, my initial annoyance softening into a reluctant but undeniable sense of camaraderie. “You might be onto something. It’s like the world’s flooded with losers.”
Cassie takes a big gulp from her water bottle. “Losers, Izel, might just be the majority. We’re in a sea of them.”
“Yeah, and it’s not just about losers. Some of them are dangerous. You’ve got to be careful, Cassie. You never know who you’re inviting into our home.”
Cassie waves a hand dismissively. “I know, I know. But come on, I can handle myself. I’m not stupid.”
“I’m not saying you’re stupid, but it’s easy to get caught up in the moment. Look at those news stories, Cass. Four girls were murdered in their own homes in the last three months. They probably thought they were safe too.”
Cassie’s face falls slightly, and she bites her lip. “Yeah, I’ve heard about that. It’s terrifying, but what am I supposed to do? Stop living my life?”
I sigh, searching for the right words. “No, but you’ve got to be more cautious. You can still have fun but be smart about it. Maybe vet these guys a bit more before bringing them home. And always let me know who you’re with. It’s just basic safety.”
Cassie nods, her gaze drifting to the water bottle in her hand. “Alright, alright. I get it. I’ll be more careful.” She pauses, a mischievous glint lighting up her eyes. “But you know what might make all this easier to handle?”
I raise an eyebrow. “What’s that?”
She leans in with a grin. “SSA Richard Reynolds.”
I give her a puzzled look. “SSA Reynolds? The lead detective?”
Cassie’s face lights up. “Oh my god, yes! SSA Richard Reynolds is, like, the total package. Have you seen him? I mean, he’s got that whole scary, mysterious vibe going on. His jawline is basically a work of art.”
“Cass, get back to the point we were talking about being safe.”
Cassie, though, is in her own world and seems completely unconcerned about our safety. She gets this distant, starry-eyed look on her face.
I give her a puzzled look at her total lack of concern for our safety, but she just can’t shut up about some law enforcement guy. “Cassie, are you even listening to what I’m saying? We’ve got to think about staying safe here.”
But she just keeps on blabbering, going on about the detective like he’s a Hollywood star. “… and the way he talks, it’s like a scene out of a crime show.”
I shake my head in disbelief, torn between knocking some sense into her and focusing on my assignment. “Cassie, for fuck’s sake, pay attention to the real world for a second. We need to be careful, our lives are on the line.”
Cassie finally snaps out of her daze, turning her attention back to me. “Yeah, yeah, Izel, chill. It’s not like these cases have anything to do with us. Plus, I’m sure SSA Reynolds would have it all figured out. He’s, like, a superhero.”
I let out a deep sigh of frustration and returned to my laptop. “Yeah, because a hot detective’s going to solve all our problems,” I mutter under my breath.
As Cassie continues to live in la-la land, my mind keeps wrestling with the fact that I’m the one living in some crime thriller, and there’s no guarantee some hero is going to swoop in and save the day. I dive back into my work, hoping to find some peace in my own thoughts, even as Cassie’s crazy infatuation circus spins around me.
She finally takes her rambling to her room, giving me a bit of a breather. I refocus on the assignment, tuning out her bubbly nonsense as best I can.
Cassie comes back out, fiddling with the hooks on her bra, “Hey, did the reports come in yet?”
I blink. “What reports?”
She rolls her eyes at me, like I should know exactly what she’s talking about. “My blood test reports, duh. Remember? You booked that appointment for me with your free health checkup pass or whatever? You said you’d handle it for me since I’m too lazy to go to the doc myself.”