Page 154 of Can You Take It?

Richard was supposed to be the one hunting Victor, but we turned the tables. I knew I had to play the part of a suspect toget his attention. Acting as a suspect was my best shot at staying close to the FBI while keeping Victor off my back. I knew that if I made any direct moves he wouldn’t hesitate to kill my mother. So, I kept dropping hints, making sure they’d start looking into Hollowbrook’s history. It wasn’t just about staying safe: it was about buying time and getting them to dig into Victor’s dirty past.

Staying with Richard was just a bonus I never knew I needed. We used his own investigation against him, planting evidence and manipulating his actions. Richard thought he was closing in on Victor, but he was walking right into our trap.

Martin’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. “Izel, are you with me?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Do you have the identity card?”

“I do,” I confirm, disconnecting the call as I pull into the parking lot of the detention center.

From a distance, I spot Martin at the entrance. He’s blending in, acting the part of Richard perfectly. I hold my breath, watching as he moves through the security checkpoint. The guards barely glance at him, too tired to care. In the background, I see the usual late-night activity—officers chatting, a few detainees being led to their cells.

Martin makes his move, and after a tense few moments, he signals that he’s in. Relief washes over me, but there’s no time to savor it. I start changing into a detention officer’s uniform, grumbling about the cramped space in the car.

“Fuck, why does this shit always have to be so tight?” I mutter, struggling to pull the pants up.

Once dressed, I glance at myself in the rearview mirror. I look the part. Good. Just as I finish adjusting my cap, the fire alarms start blaring. The sudden noise makes me jump, but then I hear Martin’s urgent whisper through my earpiece. “Now, now, now!”

I shove open the car door and step out, keeping my head down as I walk toward the entrance. The guards are distracted by the blaring alarms and the flooding water starting to trickle in. The sprinklers overhead have activated, and water is pouring down.

“Fucking hell,” one of them mutters, swiping at the water dripping from his cap. “What a shitshow.”

Another nods in agreement. “Tell me about it. This place is falling apart.”

With the guards distracted, I slip past them and into the detention center. The corridors are a maze, but Martin’s voice guides me through them. “Left at the next hallway, then straight ahead,” he says.

I follow his directions, the sound of the alarms and rushing water echoing around me. My heart races as I think about what’s to come. Victor deserves everything he’s about to get, but the thought of Richard—his betrayal and the look he’ll have when he realizes what I’ve done—makes me feel sick.

I turn the corner and see Martin waiting for me. The fire alarms have caused a full-blown evacuation, and the guards are scrambling to get the inmates under control.

Martin catches my eye and nods. “Ready?”

“Let’s do this,” I reply handing him Richard’s identity card.

Martin uses the card to access the high-security area where Victor is held. The water continues to flood the hallways, adding to the pandemonium.

I hide behind a wall as Martin approaches the security guard standing at the door. With a swift, practiced motion, Martin evades the guard’s attention, and the man wanders off to help with elsewhere.

Martin looks back at me, giving a small nod. I step forward, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

“Where are your gloves?” Martin asks.

“I have them with me,” I lie patting my pocket for effect.

“Good,” he replies, turning back towards the entrance.

“Stay outside,” I tell him. “I need to do this alone.”

He nods again. I take a deep breath and push the door open, stepping into the interrogation room. Victor sits there with his cuffs on. His eyes widen slightly when he sees me, but the smirk never leaves his face.

“Surprised to see me, Victor?”

He chuckles, leaning back in his chair. “A little. But then again, you always were full of surprises.”

“Do you know why I’m here?”

“Of course,” he says, his smirk growing. “But you should know by now, little girl, that nothing you do can change what’s happened.”