Page 123 of Can You Take It?

“Grandpa, I love you! Please don’t let her—”

“I said shut up, Isla!”

“Victor, stop this madness! I beg you, don’t do this to my daughters. We’re family!”

“Your daughters need to learn their place, and you should’ve known better than to defy me, Ava.”

“Izzie don’t let him make you do this. We can find another way. Victor, please! We can find another way. I’m begging you, don’t make—”

But before mom can finish her desperate plea, Victor silences her with a tight grip around her throat. The room echoes with her choked gasps as she fights for breath. Isla and I, bound by terror, witness the horrifying scene unfolding before us.

“Enough of this nonsense!” Victor growls. “If you won’t kill Isla, I’ll kill your mother.”

Isla’s eyes widen with horror, and she calls out, “Stop! Please, Izel, do it!”

Tears stream down my face as I raise the knife. Mom’s choked sobs fill the room. “Izzie, don’t let him do this. Don’t let him win.”

I swallow hard. The lump in my throat is making it difficult for me to breathe.

“I can’t,” I whisper, but Victor’s sadistic laughter drowns out my words.

He tightens his grip on mom’s throat. “Time’s running out, little girl. Make a choice or watch your mother die.”

“Izel, please!” Isla gasps.

I glance at Isla one last time with a silent apology in my eyes, before I raise the knife. As the blade hovers, the room closes in on me. The choice is no choice at all – a lose-lose scenario. I brace myself for the irreversible act, knowing that whatever happens, the flames of this night will haunt my soul forever.

Isla’s eyes, filled with tears and terror, lock onto mine. My hands shake as I thrust the blade through her.

“I’m so sorry, Isla. I hope you find peace,” I mutter, but my voice gets caught in the lump forming in my throat.

She takes the pain like a warrior. Her eyes never leave mine, and I can’t handle the forgiveness in her gaze. Isla starts crumpling to the ground with tears streaming down her face, and I can’t look at her. I can’t bear to see the result of my own hands.

As I pull the blade out, Isla’s body drops, and my hands are covered in her blood. I’m angry at myself, angry at Victor, angry at this whole situation.

In those final moments, Isla manages to squeeze out words that pierce through the despair. “Take care of our mother, Izel,” she breathes with a heartbreaking smile. My eyes widen, and my heart squeezes with an indescribable ache. Isla glances at mom, whose struggles intensify, and she is trying to say something, but I can’t make out the words.

I crawl over to Isla’s lifeless form. “Isla, fuck, I’m sorry,” I choke out. I want to understand, to make sense of this nightmare, but all I’m left with is the haunting silence of death.

Victor finally leaves Mom, and she falls to the ground beside Isla. She pats Isla’s lifeless form, as if expecting a miracle.

Time stretches, and the room feels like a grotesque tableau frozen in despair. Victor finally lifts his gaze from Isla’s motionless form and directs his attention to me. His crazed eyes lock onto mine, and a malevolent smile twists his lips.

“Your time’s over, Izel,” he declares.

I’m confused, disoriented, and I have no fucking idea what he means. But before I can comprehend his intentions, Victor grabs me roughly, pulling me up. Panic sets in, and I start shouting, “Let me go!”

“Victor, stop this madness! Let her go!” Mom shouts.

But Victor is deaf to reason. He tightens his grip on my hair, and the pain shoots through me. I kick, I struggle, I fight against his hold, but it’s of no use.

“Let me fucking go!” I scream.

“Victor, for the love of god, stop!”

He drags me across the room. I shoot a venomous look at Mom because all of this is her fault. “I wish you’d have killed yourself the day you got here,” I yell, and then the door slams shut behind me.

Victor throws me to the ground in the forest clearing. I scramble to my feet as I take in the sight before me. Isla’s body lies there, lifeless and broken. He stands over me as he pulls a knife from his belt.