"I don't know much about the security business, but you seemed to have it handled well. Jackson knows what he's doing. If he hadn't figured out that Peter would try and confront us in the park and requested a couple of my bodyguards, I might not be talking to you now. Peter really went off the rails."

"As long as you two are okay, that's all that matters."

"I think we both need some cuddle time, but physically we're okay." I'd be even better if Peter did some significant timebehind bars, but I wasn't holding my breath that that would happen.

Justice could be fickle.

"I'll give you a call if there are any more problems, but I'm probably going to need Jackson for a few more days. Just so you're aware. I don't want to let my guard down until I am sure Peter is going to stay behind bars."

"Probably best," Alejandro replied. "You can have Jackson for as long as you need him."

"Thanks, Alejandro."

I felt a little better after hanging up with the man, but not by much. I don't think I'd feel completely better until I knew there were no more threats to Zaq's life.

I knew there were probably a couple of other people that I should have called, but I wanted to get to Zaq more than I wanted to talk to people. I could call them tomorrow when my brain wasn't fried and the terror was gone from my heart.

My cell phone rang before I could get up from my desk. I huffed as I glanced at the screen and then swiped my finger across it and held it to my ear.

"Hey, Jake, what's up?"

"Norris just got done going over Zaq's phone so I thought I'd call and tell you what he found."


"I'm listening."

"There was an app installed on it called "Lover's Locke", which is essentially an app people use to catch their cheating spouses. Not only does it give the location of the cheater, but it allows whoever controls the app to see anything they do like phone calls, messages, and pictures. It even shows what they search for on the internet."

That explained a lot.

"The big thing about this program is that it is a hidden app. Once it goes on a certain phone, it's invisible to the user. You can only find it by going into the interworking of the phone."

"Fuck." I thrust my hand through my hair, tugging at the ends. "Can you get Dr. Teller to write out a report about this and then get it to Miles? Joe is going to see if he will go down in the morning to get a restraining order against Peter in the morning."

"You're getting a restraining order?"

"Today was a total shit-show, Jake." It took me a few minutes to explain to Jake everything that had happened when we went to the park. By the time I was done, Jake was swearing right along with me.

"I'll get all of this to Miles as before he heads to court in the morning. You might want to think about getting Zaq a new phone. He's not going to be able to use his for awhile. Besides, with a new phone, you'd know the app wasn't on there."

"You're probably right," I said. I just hated the fact that that was one more thing Peter had taken from Zaq.

"For now, we need to leave this app on Zaq's phone. The police might want it as evidence in their investigation."

I hadn't thought of that.

"Thanks, Jake."

"We'll get him, Patty. He won't have a chance to go after Zaq again."

I prayed Jake was right.

"Joe is forwarding everything to Miles," I said. "Can you do the same? Maybe fill him in on what happened? I need to go check on Zaq."

"Yes, of course," Jake replied. "Taking care of Zaq is more important. Just don't forget to take care of yourself as well. You need to keep it together so you can be there for him. This is probably going to hit him pretty hard in a few hours."

Oh, I had no doubt.