"What did you think of their proposal?" I asked as we rode up in the elevator. With everything else going on, Zaq and I hadn't had time to talk about it.

"I like the idea, and the money would certainly be nice." He smiled as he glanced up at me. "I like the idea of being able to work with you."


I felt like there was a but.

"Is it really feasible? I mean, who exactly would be our patients and would there be enough of them to keep us busy?"

That was a good question.

"Why don't we write down any questions we may have and ask Jake tomorrow?"

Zaq nodded. "Probably a good idea. I'm sure he's headed to bed here pretty soon if he isn't there already in it."

"We should think of doing the same."

Thank god Jake had treated us to dinner before we headed home. It would have been nice to be able to go out with King and Alejandro and their husbands, but apparently it wasn't a good idea unless it was a private home or some club owned by another mobster boss.

I wasn't sure we'd ever be visiting that club.

When the elevator reached our floor, Jackson stepped out first and then nodded to us. We walked down the hallway until we reached our condo. Once I unlocked it, Jackson went in to check the place over.

That was weird.

It was going to take some time to get used to having a bodyguard. Hopefully, Jackson wouldn't be here that long. As nice as he seemed, I didn't want Zaq in danger enough to need a bodyguard long term.

Once Jackson gave us the all clear, Zaq and I walked into the condo. Jackson closed and locked the door. "You need a better security system. You should talk to Mr. Díaz about it. His company has a really good high end system."

"I'll give him a call tomorrow," I assured Jackson. "In the meantime, let me show you to the guestroom."

"I'm going to head to bed," Zaq stated.

I pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I'll be there in just a moment."

As Zaq walked away, I led Jackson down the hallway to the guest bedroom. "Hopefully, you won't need it very long, but it's yours as long as you are here so make yourself comfortable. There's food in the kitchen if you get hungry."

"Thank you, Mr. Scotton."

"Zaq and I are going to turn in now. I don't think we have any plans to go anywhere tomorrow so it should be an easy day for you."

"Yes, sir."

I left Jackson in the spare room and made my way to the bedroom I shared with Zaq. When I walked in, he was sprawled across the bed, just lying there with his eyes closed.

"Zaq?" I walked closer and leaned over the top of him, planting my hands on the mattress on either side of his head. "You okay?"

"Patrick," Zaq whispered as he grabbed my shirt, pulling me down on top of him. His eyes opened and he stared up at me with an intensity that made a fire ignite in my gut.

I leaned down and brushed my nose along the side of Zaq's temple. "What do you need, baby?"

As if I didn't already know.

I didn't give Zaq time to say anything else. I knew what he needed, what we both needed. I pulled Zaq close and covered his mouth with my own. Zaq melted against me, groaning as he opened his mouth to my exploration.

My calm was shattered by the hunger welling up inside of me as I explored Zaq's mouth. The hard length pressed against me told me that Zaq desired me just as much as I desired him.

I couldn't be more thrilled at the prospect.