"Fred," Jake ordered, "take this to Norris and have him look it over."

"Yes, sir."

I waited until Fred left the room before looking back at Delancy. "Is there a reason my cell phone has been taken away from me?"

"That's how Peter knows where you are," Delancy explained. "There's a tracking app on it. He can track you anywhere in the world."

I shivered at the cold chill that ran down my spine. "Peter is tracking me on my own phone?"

"My guys hacked Peter's phone and found the application for it. It looks like it's been installed for about a year."

"That's exactly the amount of time Peter and I have been dating." Well, sort of dating. Peter always complained whenever I wanted to go out in public. He always wanted to stay home.

Now, I knew why.

I turned narrowed eyes on Patrick. "You'd take me out in public on a date, right?"

Patrick's eyebrows snapped together. "Why wouldn't I?"

I shook my head. "Another Peter thing."

Patrick snorted. "Let me guess. He didn't want to be seen with you in public?"

"No, going out in public was fine, but not on a date. If we did go out in public, I wasn't allowed to touch him or be overly familiar with him. Peter always said he was worried about someone hassling us because we were two men. He preferred to date at my place."

Patrick growled as he grabbed me and yanked me close. "I don't care about other people hassling us. You're my husband and I am damn proud of that fact. If they don't like it, fuck them. I never asked them to look anyway."

Oh, good answer.

"Did you ever go to Peter's house for one of your little dates?" Delancy asked.

"No." I shook my head. "Peter had a really small apartment. He said he liked spending time at my place."

"Peter is a lying sack of shit." Delancy snorted as he turned his cell phone toward me. "This is where Peter currently lives."

I was shocked to see a picture of a fairly nice condo.

Delancy swiped his finger across the screen and a picture of Peter walking with a blonde haired woman appeared. "And this is his current roommate. She's been living with him for the past three years."

"Roommate, my ass. I've got pictures of the two of them in bed together." I pointed to the picture. "That's Peter's mistress."

And I was an idiot.

Chapter Thirteen

~ Patrick ~

Our meeting had gone far longer than any of us had expected and Zaq and I were pretty much wobbling by the time Jake's car let us off in front of our building.

When we walked inside, I made a quick check to make sure Peter wasn't there and then led Jackson over to the security desk to get him checked in. He'd need access to everything we had access to.

It was weird having someone follow us around, but if it kept Zaq safe, I was all for it. Besides, Jackson seemed like a nice enough guy, even if he was built like a linebacker.

The check-in process for Jackson was a little easier, maybe because they were all security in one form or another and understood each other and their job responsibilities. And maybe because of the other people that lived in the building. These guys were experienced with this type of thing.

Maybe both.

I didn't care as long as it was done and we could head up to our condo. Luckily, Jake had arranged for some furniture to be put in our spare bedroom so we didn't have to buy anything.