Peter could go find someone else to marry.
Zaq was mine.
Chapter Eleven
~ Patrick ~
"That was very weird."
"It was," I replied. "I've never seen Peter so adamant about something." I just didn't quite understand why he was so insistent that he and Zaq get married, especially when he'd been the one to run off with a woman, leaving Zaq basically at the altar.
"I don't get it. He clearly likes women. Why was he so insistent that we get married? He didn't seem to care at all if I slept around as long as we were married."
I shook his head in wonder that Zaq and I were thinking along the same lines. "I don't know, but you're right. It was weird."
"Maybe you could call your parents and ask them? Maybe Peter said something to them."
"Peter doesn't talk to my parents about stuff like that. He only ever wants them to see him in a good light so he doesn't lose his golden child status. He'd never discuss his problems with them."
"I don't like the idea of Peter knowing where we live, especially with him being so weird like that."
I gently squeezed Zaq's hand. "Our building is very secure. He can't get to you." I'd kill my brother before I allowed him to harm a hair on Zaq's head.
"I can't spend my every waking moment at home, Patrick. I have to go for groceries and stuff."
"Would you feel better with a bodyguard?"
Zaq peeked up at me. "Can we afford something like that?"
"Not for the long term, but for a little while we can." I'd take out a loan or borrow the money if I needed it.
Zaq grimaced and rubbed his sternum as if he had indigestion. "Do you really think I need a bodyguard? Peter has never been violent before. Do you think he will be now?"
How to explain this without freaking Zaq out anymore than he already was?
"Peter has never been violent with you." I would be eternally grateful for that. "But there have been times in the past where he has blacked out with rage and beaten someone that pissed him off."
I took Zaq's hand between mine, absently rubbing my thumb over his skin. "I'm not saying that's going to happen now, but it has in the past. I'd rather not take any chances with your safety. Until we can be sure that Peter is gone, I'd like to have someone watching over you."
Zaq swallowed tightly before nodding. "Yeah, okay."
I hated scaring him like this, but something was off with my brother. Always had been. Peter didn't like losing his possessions and I was terrified that that was exactly how he saw Zaq, as a possession.
Fortunately, I knew just the man to talk to about this.
By the time we pulled up in front of Jake's building, a plan was already beginning to form in my head. I wasn't positive it was feasible, but I was going to try and make it happen.
"That is a really tall building," Zaq said as he climbed out and looked up at all the dark glass, concrete, and steel.
"Jake bought it a few years back and had it retrofitted to fit his company's needs," I replied. "I've only been here once before back when it was under construction. It'll be interesting to see what Jake has done with it."
We walked into the building and checked in with the lobby receptionist before heading toward the bay of elevators. There was a little more activity than I would have expected for an officebuilding, but Jake had his fingers in a lot of different pies. Each business venture needed its own space to operate.
Jake's personal assistant was waiting for us when we reached his floor. She smiled and waved her hand down the hallway. "Good afternoon, Mr. Scotton. Mr. D'Amato is waiting for you in his office."
"Thank you, Stella," I replied. "Zaq, this is Stella Dumont, Jake's personal assistant. Stella, this is my husband, Zaq Scotton."
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Scotton."