"And the rest of it?" I asked.
"For the most part I liked the wedding, but like I said, I wouldn't have chosen something quite so flashy or so big. I would have preferred something a little more intimate with just a few friends and family. I don't know half the people out there."
That was one up on me. I knew like two people, my mother and my father. Well, Zaq's parents, but I didn't think they counted as we had just met. There were a couple of relatives on the guest list, but I wasn't close to any of them.
"So, high school sweethearts that haven't seen each other in years brought together by my brother." I raised an eyebrow. "Have I got that right?"
Zaq's face lit up when he laughed, stealing my breath away. "It'll be a great story to tell our kids one day."
That stopped me cold.
"You want kids?"
I hated when the light faded from Zaq's face.
"I do," he admitted. "Is that going to be a problem? If so, tell me now and we can call this whole thing off."
"No, no," I said quickly. "I'd always planned to have kids one day. I'm in full support of the idea. Do you prefer to us a surrogate or go the adoption route?"
I was fine with either.
Zaq frowned. "I don't think I have a preference. I would like a girl and boy, so maybe adoption is the best choice. It's more predictable than using a surrogate."
"Not necessarily," I replied. "Medical advances have come pretty far in IFV treatment. You can now use PreimplantationGenetic Testing to choose the sex of a baby before you mix it in a martini glass."
"Oh, right. I'd forgotten about that." Zaq let out a small chuckle. "Guess it's pretty handy to have a doctor in the family."
"Pretty handy having a nurse in the family, too." I sent Zaq a small wink. "I don't have to explain what that is."
Having someone in the same career field and being able to talk to them about it without having to explain every little thing was kind of a dream come true.
"So, I guess we have to go back in there, huh?" Zaq had a frown on his face as if that was the last thing he wanted to do.
"We could always make a run for it," I suggested. "Tell everyone we ran off to our honeymoon."
Zaq's eyebrow cocked. "Honeymoon?"
"Well, it's more packing you up so we can head to New York City."
"I'm already packed," Zaq replied. "Except for a few items, everything is already in boxes. I was supposed to be moving in with Peter after we got back from our honeymoon."
Zaq's eyes suddenly narrowed. He pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket and scrolled through his messages. "That son of a bitch!"
"He took that two-bit floozy on our honeymoon In Hawaii."
If that was true, it was in very bad taste.
"This is the honeymoon I booked for us." Zaq jabbed his finger at the picture on the screen. "This is even the deluxe room with a view I saw online and booked for us."
I couldn't tell if Zaq was heartbroken or angry.
"I paid for the whole damn honeymoon with my own money."
"Oh, really?" I started to smile. "Since you're not going, don't you think you should cancel it and get your money back? There might be a small cancellation fee, but..."