We needed a cover story.

When we left the dais and walked down the aisle, instead of stopping to accept the well wishes of everyone, I led Zaq past the double doors and then upstairs to one of the ready rooms.

As soon as I shut the door, I leaned back against it and closed my eyes, breathing in slowly and then blowing it out through my nose. As much as I wanted this, it was nerve-wracking.

"You okay?"

I smiled as I opened my eyes. "I'm okay."

Zaq looked skeptical. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "We need a cover story."

Zaq's eyebrows lifted. "A cover story?"

"People are going to ask how we met and how we ended up getting married. We need to have a story we can tell everyone that they will believe."

"You're just thinking about this now?"

Zaq sounded so outraged, I couldn't help but laugh. "I just thought of it."

The eye roll was cute.

"We met in high school so high school sweethearts wouldn't be too out of place," Zaq stated as he started to pace. "We could tell everyone we were out of touch for several years, which is true, and that Peter brought us back together, which is also true."

That might work.

"It would also explain why you and Peter have been hanging around each other so much," I said. This was a stretch, but I was going with it. "Peter, as my older brother, was trying to get the two of us together."

Zaq had a grin on his face when he turned to look at me. "So, you're saying we owe our everlasting love story to that bonehead?"

I shrugged. "It could work."

"I like it," Zaq replied.

"Maybe Peter saw it as his way of asking for forgiveness for all the rotten things he's done to me over the years."

Zaq snorted. "Doubtful."

Yeah, I kind of doubted it too, but it made a good story line. My parents might even buy it.

"It would also explain why Peter's name is on the invitations and not mine," I said. "There was obviously a mix-up at the printers. Did Peter place the order?"

Zaq shook his head. "No, the wedding planner did."

"Did she discuss it with him at any time?"

"Are you kidding? After the proposal, Peter refused to have anything to do with planning the wedding. It was me and the wedding planner that did it all."

My brow flickered with interest. "You planned this wedding?"

"Most of it," Zaq replied. "I don't think I would have gone this ostentatious if I'd had my way, but Peter wanted flashy so I gave him flashy."

"Are you happy with the results?" If not, I'd give him another wedding, maybe on our first anniversary.

"I'm certainly happy that the groom got changed."

Me, too. I would forever be grateful my brother was an idiot and gave me this golden opportunity.