"Yes," he answered with no hesitation.
"I mean, anything is possible, right?" We didn't know each other except in passing when we had been in high school. Patrick had been a couple of grades ahead of me and terribly shy.
"You're an attractive man and we do seem to have some interests in common. I think, given some time for us to get to know each other, there might be a possibility of us growing closer."
"Then I don't see what the problem is. We're not friends yet, but we're not enemies either. Maybe, given enough time, we'll find that we do like each other. If not, I'm willing to accept you as my friend. There's no pressure and no hurry. We'll just take each day as it comes."
Was this guy for real?
"You're seriously willing to marry me with a fidelity clause in the pre-nup knowing that we might not ever be anything more than friends?"
"Sex is great and all, but I don't need that to make me happy. I prefer the closeness of a relationship, even if it's simply friendship, more than a one simply based on sex."
I liked that answer.
"I do have one request," I stated.
"And what might that be?"
"If at any time you feel that you need out of the marriage, we discuss it openly and honestly. I hate liars." It was one of the many reasons I no longer wanted anything to do with Peter."
"I can agree to that, but I ask that you do the same. I also ask that you give us an honest chance. Like I said, there is no hurry. We can take the time to get to know each other. Beyond us getting married today, no other decisions have to be made right now."
"I can do that."
I was seriously considering this.
I had to be crazy.
Chapter Four
~ Patrick ~
I swallowed tightly as I slid the ring onto Zaq's finger. I was so anxious that something might happen to end this fantasy that I could barely breathe. Zaq was everything my teenage heart had dreamed of and now was my chance to grab that dream and make it come true.
I defied anyone to make me give up this chance.
I shot a quick glance toward where my parents were sitting. I expected the tears on my mother's face and the glower on my father's. Neither of them had been happy to learn I would be marrying Zaq instead of Peter.
My mother was convinced Peter had simply gotten cold feet and he would be back, that he and Zaq were in love and once my brother came back, everyone would be happy.
Her rose colored glasses were steamed over.
My father, on the other hand, was pissed, both at me and my brother. Peter, because he had taken off without saying anything, causing the family to face embarrassment.
I think he was mad at me because I stepped in, but I couldn't be sure. I'd taken him aside after speaking to both of them and showed him the pictures Peter's mistress had sent to Zaq. I wanted him to fully understand that this whole mess could and should be laid at my brother's feet.
Not sure he believed me.
I glanced at Zaq's parents who were sitting across the aisle from mine. They didn't look anymore pleased than my parents did. Mrs. Dinh wouldn't even look at us. She just kept dabbing at her eyes with her handkerchief. Mr. Dinh looked almost constipated.
We were getting a few weird looks from the guests, but not as many as I had thought there would be. Maybe I was rightin guessing all of Peter's friends had decided not to attend the wedding.
When the officiate said we could kiss, I froze for just a moment. It wasn't really appropriate to kiss him like I wanted to, not even under these circumstances, but we had to put on a show for the guests.
I swept Zaq into my arms and then angled my head so the audience wouldn't see me place a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth. I heard a lot of clapping so I guess it worked.
I grabbed Zaq's hand and turned with him to face the guests. I knew the reception was scheduled next, but I needed a few minutes alone with Zaq. We needed to discuss a few things like how we met and why we got married.