“Why? Does it have something to do with Sara? Did Roberto know her?”

“Roberto’s family has always been a part of our lives. Of course, he knew her. He was home the week she died.”

“I didn’t know that,” I said.

“If you have a question, Bella,” Auntie said, “go to the source. Talk to Roberto.”

“He’s been a fucking asshole to me, Auntie,” I said. “Sorry, I’m just so frustrated. Papa won’t talk to me. Mama ignores me, like she always does.”

My gaze drifted to Sara’s portrait across the lobby. “Things would be so different if Sara hadn’t died.”

“That I believe is true.” Auntie Aurora’s voice softened. “Your sister’s death is the biggest mistake this family has ever endured.”

“Is that why Mama hates Papa?” I asked. “She wanted to take Sara to the doctor earlier, but he told her she was over-reacting.”

“Your mother has her reasons,” Auntie Aurora said. “Now, let’s see what the cards have to share with you today.”

“Auntie, I don’t have time.”

She put the deck in front of me. “Cut the cards.”

I sighed, knowing it was pointless to protest. Besides, this was how my Auntie looked for answers. This was one of her ways of helping me. She laid three cards on the table. They were. right side up. The Thief. The Wizard. The Sword.

“Please tell me these cards look good,” I said, managing a weak laugh.

“The cards are never good or bad, even the ones you saw before your wedding,” she said. She tapped on the colorful portrait of the thief holding bags of gold. “Your past. The Thief is here to show you that something has been stolen from you that is rightfully yours.”

“Can I get it back?”

“Yes, always,” Auntie Aurora said. “The cards are possibility. They give you information, and you always have the power to act.”

“And my present?” I said, scooting forward to study the Wizard, unable to dampen my curiosity. A tall man wearing a hood held a staff in his hands.

“The Wizard will guide you. A voice will guide you, open doors, and find your power.”

My power, right. Dylan made me feel powerful, but I hated the idea that one more man in my life was going to open doors for me. “And what about my future?” I said, looking at the lastcard, a silver sword surrounded by thorny vines. “This looks dangerous.”

Auntie Aurora looked up at me. “To move forward, the sword appears to help you destroy all that is no longer useful to you. In that destruction, you will discover a new world.”

“Well,” I said, taking a slow deep breath. “I definitely feel like I’m up for destroying a thing or two.”

Auntie smiled and swept the cards off the table. “All right, I’m done here. I’m going to go on a morning walk.”

“Thank you, Auntie,” I said, reaching over to squeeze her hand.

“I love you, too, Bella.” Her face brightened for a moment, and she smiled. “Please wait here. Someone wants to talk to you. It’s important.”

“Wait, what?”

Auntie Aurora walked away without answering. Of course, another cryptic message. The image of the sword came back to me, and I imagined holding the weapon overhead. I wasn’t sure if I believed in the cards, but I liked the idea of destruction. I had a target in my sights.

It was clear the Street family was used to getting what they wanted. They made messes and paid people to clean them up. They lied and manipulated people without apology. They made deals with the devil and then cheated the devil himself.

I had been fighting a one-woman war to launch my Bella Baci business, while wolves approached and threatened to take everything away from my family and me. I was going to do whatever it took, at whatever the cost, to keep the Street family from destroying mine.

I heard someone clear their throat, and I looked up. Roberto stood over me.

“We need to talk,” he said. “We don’t have much time.”