“I can’t believe you watched it.”
“I didn’t watch it. Once I saw what it was, I destroyed it.”
“You did?”
“When I threatened you in the kitchen, it was already gone.” He shrugged and took another slow drag of his cigarette.
“You are such an asshole.” I swatted his arm, feeling more relief than anger.
“I know,” he said. “I apologize. I was angry and hurt, but none of that truly matters. You deserve to be happy, and I wasn’t going to let that piece-of-shit Dante watch you like a porn star. You know, I think he still has a thing for you.”
“He was the worst kisser.”
Roberto laughed and turned to face me. His smile dropped. “I am really sorry for how I behaved. And I understand if you can’t do it, if you can’t marry me. I wish there was another way, Bella, but I haven’t come up with one yet.”
I nodded and exhaled, staring across the piazza at the sign to the Mia Sorella. My family was flawed, and we had miles to go before we were healed, but right now, I needed to stop thinking about the past and solve the very present problem of James Street and the Street Entertainment acquisition.
“I’ve made a decision,” I said. “I’ll do it. I’ll marry you.”
“Are you sure?” Roberto stubbed out his cigarette on the cobblestones with his shoe.
“I will marry you if it means we can stop the Street takeover. This isn’t an acquisition any longer. It’s an attack. But I need to know you are done lying to me.”
“No more lies,” Roberto said. “I have nothing to gain anymore from lying, Bella.”
“And we do not live as husband and wife,” I said, turning on the bench. “This is only on paper. We get the votes. We fix this mess. We end it.”
“Agreed,” Roberto said. “I only have one concern.”
“Only one?” I asked, half-laughing.
“What about Dylan?” Roberto said, his tone kind and without accusation. “I see how you look at him. You never looked at me that way.”
“I thought we had something more, but Dylan lied to me. He’s good at keeping secrets, too. I can’t trust him. Whatever we had is over.”
“If it makes you feel better, Dylan doesn’t want the deal, either.”
“I don’t give a shit what he wants,” I said.
“All right. You sound like a woman who has decided.” Roberto smiled.
Looking into his green eyes, I saw a man who was my friend, and who should have stayed that way. Trying to be more to each other was such a mistake.
“Once we take control,” I said, “I will make sure that the right thing is done for my family. I never thought I’d say this, but thank you for asking me to marry you again.” I smiled at him.
“Thank you for agreeing again, this time for the right reasons.”
“Tomorrow night?” I asked.
“Yes, on the steps of Doge's Palace. You need to be there at eight.”
“I will not be late,” I said. “And I won’t run this time.”
He held out his hand. I held out mine, and we shook on it. “Isabella Uzano,” Roberto said. “I ask for your hand in marriage on paper, to save your family’s business and to save my soul.”
“That is a bit dramatic,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “But fine. Yes. Roberto Bianco, I accept your offer of marriage on paper to save my family’s business and save your soul.”
Roberto hugged me and kissed my forehead. The touch of his lips felt like the kiss of a long-lost friend.