Page 29 of The Way You Hurt Me

Irina. That's her name. I haven't forgotten it exactly; it's more like, I don't let myself think about her, that woman I've never met, neverwantedto meet. There's likely nothing wrong with her. She's pretty. No, scratch that. Beautiful. Maybe she's nice. Clever.

I never want to find out.

Her very existence badly damaged my self-worth two years ago. Thinking further on the why isn't good for me. It's not that he chose her over me; it's that I was never in the running anywhere but in my imagination. I've spent enough time on a couch to know this. Nothing regarding his relationship is about me.

Dammit. Why did I bring it up?

Mere hours around the guy and I'm back to my terrible habits.

Drop it. Drop it and get the hell out of here.

Instead, I open my mouth, and words come out: "So, you're one of those long-distance couples, huh?"

Fuck, fuck, fuck,I don't need to know, dammit.

"Actually, we're one of thoseon papercouples. The union made sense business-wise. That's all it ever was."

I can barely hear a thing over the sound of my rapid heartbeats. I make myself huff out a chuckle. "I've seen pictures of her. You can't tell me you haven't screwed her."

None. Of. Your. Damn. Business!

Dimitri takes a moment to reply, which takes me he's either going to lie, or word his answer very carefully."Sex means very little to either of us."

I'm not sure whether he means him and me, or him and his wife.

"We don't have a relationship."

"Right. Just the ring, the party, and all the I dos," I counter with an eye roll."I guess you can join the long line of failed marriages, then."

"I wouldn't say that. A marriage is a contract, with specific expectations. We're both fulfilling our ends."

Let it go. Change the subject.

"Good for you." I clear my throat, proud of myself for making the right move. Aka, not fucking asking about his damn marriage. Two years ago, I would have. "Anyway, I can't look after the dogs forever, you know. I have a job. A life."

Not to mention, an appointment for a now much-needed video shoot. I need to blow off some steam. My Ruby Red videos always help with that.

"Yes, I heard. How is that going?"

Terribly. If it had been Morgan, or my roommate, I'd rant about all the reasons why my job sucks. But we're not friends. He's just my brother-in-law's extended family. There needs to be a damn line.

"It's okay. I just started a couple of weeks before the holidays. Hard to judge in such a short time."

"Fair. Well, if you can handle the pups for the weekend, I'll have someone take over starting Monday." He points to the piano, and I spot an envelope on top of it."Your cash."

Right. I forgot about that bit."You’re paying me a thousand bucks a day for hanging out in your insane penthouse apartment with puppies."

"You’ll get your pay docked if they chew or piss on my favorite rug," he quips.

"Oh, the horror. Not docked pay for a favor I would have gladly done for free." I have to roll my eyes.

Dimitri's green eyes return to mine. "Nothing is ever free, petal."



Ifocus on the puppies as best I can. Not the apartment. Not obsessively looking everywhere around me, wondering where he likes to sit, whether he plays piano or just has it here for show. They make it easy, though, those adorable furballs.