Page 42 of Please, Stay

He tapped a pen on his desk, watching her with eyes that sat a little too close together. She refused to squirm. Let him look. She’d handled her dad for too many years to let some scummy, Governor’s assistant’s assistant, make her feel inadequate.

She opened her portfolio to the page of questions. “What type of study was done before the Governor approved the road widening?”

Mr. Spencer rolled his eyes and picked up his own paper. “Fine, if you want to play that way. The state engineers would have mapped out the expansion.”

“When is construction scheduled to begin?”

“In two months.” He flicked the paper across the desk to her. “Here. The answers are all on there. I had my secretary pull them up for you.”

The assistant’s assistant had an assistant? Juliana smiled as she picked up the paper.

“There’s a sight. A beautiful smile.” He leaned forward and tilted his head down, so his eyes looked larger than normal. Frog-like. “Why don’t we go grab a cup of coffee?”

Nope. Not a frog. More like a snake.

“Is there any way to see the Governor today?” Anyone else.

He clicked through his computer screen that sat off to the side. “The Governor is finishing up with the Mayor now, and then he has a quick conference call with the bank, but he’s free at eleven. I can put us down for a fifteen-minute meeting for you to address your concerns. That’s about all the time he’ll have, though. We have a staff meeting after that.”

Juliana’s mouth dropped open. That simple? Nothing was that simple. “Yes, please do.”

His fingers hovered over the keyboard for a moment. “First, a cup of coffee.”


“With me. I’m sure there’s much more to you, Juliana.” Her name even sounded creepy the way he said it.

She slouched back and glanced at her watch. Thirty minutes until the Governor was free. Quid pro quo. A cup of coffee with the snake for an interview with the Governor. What could a cup of coffee hurt?



Heavy, dark clouds hung low in the sky and blocked out the sun over the Capitol building. The forecast called for snow flurries later tonight. Grayson’s corner seat gave him a perfect view to wait for Juliana to emerge. It also gave everyone walking to the counter to order an ideal opportunity to take a second look and wonder if it wasGrayson Moore. Acting natural, hiding in the open, usually deterred most unwanted attention. The potential embarrassment of asking someone if he was a movie star and then being wrong kept about ninety-five percent of most fans at bay.

No one would expect him to be in Atlanta this close to Christmas. The recent tabloids had him heartbroken from his last girlfriend, drinking and partying in Paris. Wrong on both accounts.

Grayson sat up straight when Juliana came into view. Another man walked right beside her. His hand reached out, clasping Juliana’s elbow.

She crossed her arms and shifted away. The man stepped even closer, touching her again.

Grayson narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out the situation. Were they coming to see him? He rose to greet them at the door but bumped into the back of a chair at the table beside him.

A woman, probably in her forties, turned and smiled.

“Excuse me,” he muttered. His eyes glued to the door.

“Wait!” She shot to her feet, surprising him with her linebacker height and the grip on his arm. “Are you Grayson Moore?”

She had that look in her eyes, like the typical female who chased him. The ones who found his hotel and waited for him on the elevator or outside his room, trying to catch him at a weak moment. He’d never had a momentthatweak.

Her blond hair bordered on yellow, and her workout clothes clung to her body. An acrid smell of chemically manufactured flowers hovered around her. Fake coverings didn’t appeal to him. Not after Juliana.

He started to walk by without answering her, but she held onto his arm. Bold move. His muscles contracted instinctively.

“I know it’s you.” She squeezed his bicep. “I’ve seen every single one of your movies, and I adore your television series.”

Juliana walked through the door. Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on him. Annoyance switched to surprise as she watched the exchange with his fan. The man beside her placed his hand on her lower back. Juliana skittered away from him to break contact.