Page 72 of A Little More

“But Lionel?”

“It was a good excuse to get rid of dead weight. Aside from this, you’ve been an exceptional employee.”

The praise hit her hard. Keeping her in the running for the Orlando position bumped her confusion to another level. Julien didn’t praise anyone lightly. For some reason, it didn’t make it any harder to say what she’d planned on saying had Julien found out. Two nights of lost sleep had her arguing with herself in circles until she finally made the decision.

“I’d like to go ahead and resign. If that’s okay.”

“Resign?” His eyes widened. He looked truly shocked for a half-second before he remembered who he was. Julien didn’t act like the rest of the world by showing emotion. “I never thought you’d do that.”

Lexi shrugged. “Me neither. But…” She pulled her phone from her back pocket and scrolled through, her heart racing until she found the picture of Nash’s kitchen. She passed Julien her phone. “I’m not sure this is what I want to do any longer.”

Because, as Ms. Peggy had pointed out, life wasn’t perfect. Life had given her Nash, the only man she’d ever truly fallen in love with. Ever since she left Statem, she’d wrestled with her decision. Assessed her options.

There was no turning back. Right now, she’d push all her chips in and try to play it the best she could.

That meant she’d compromise and maybe win more in the end. In her perfect world, the one she’d never considered before, she’d wake-up beside Nash every day. Atlanta. Statem. New York. It didn’t matter.

“I redid Nash’s kitchen.” She explained her passion for renovating and the history of his house, the state of his kitchen, and how excited she felt to see her vision brought to life.

“You’re very talented, Lexi. In commercial and interior.”

“Thank you.”

“I might like to keep you on as an interior designer.”

She grimaced and put her phone back into her pocket, hoping he’d understand. “If you run into a situation you think I could help with, I’d be happy to consult with you for the job, but I want to stick to my own clients. I don’t want to take anything on that I’m not excited about. That’s what made this such a life-changing renovation. I did it for me.” And for Nash.

“Can you find enough clients?” Julien’s tone wasn’t condescending, which surprised her.

“I hope so.” She refused to rely on Nash for support. Some habits she’d never break.

If he’d even take her back.

Nash hadn’t said he loved her, but Ms. Peggy had implied that he was just as miserable. Did he love her enough to let her live in Statem with him? She grinned as it hit her. She wanted Nash there as she made this crazy dream of hers come to life. Sink or swim. She’d have him there as a support. He believed in her.

Julien held out his hand. “If it puts that kind of smile on your face, then I wish you luck. I’m sure I’ll see you around the city. If it’s alright with you, I’ll hand over the entire project to Marshall in case any last-minute issues arise. Turns out, you’re not the only one resigning. It will give Marshall something to do until the end of the summer.”

“I’m sure Marshall will do great. I’ll be down there to help if he needs anything.” Because as of that moment, she was unemployed and banking on a stubborn man to let her back into his life again.

Nash strodethrough the lobby of Lexi’s condo complex and straight to the elevators. This time, he hadn’t bothered to change out of his work boots and jeans. Hadn’t thought about it. It was almost eleven at night. He hadn’t called. Hadn’t texted. Left Statem as soon as he could and drove to Atlanta.

Lexi loved him. He belonged with her. They could figure out the logistics of it later.

The slow ticks of the elevator made him pace the small space like a caged lion, adjusting his old baseball hat out of habit. Only a handful of times on the drive up had his mind questioned his spontaneous decision to make the trip. But then he thought of the alternative. Her in Atlanta one more day without knowing how he felt.

He exited the elevator and found himself standing in front of her door, empty-handed. He could give her a beautiful life. Protect her. Provide for her. But she didn’t want any of it. That only left himself to give.

Insecurity smashed into him. Was it enough?

Nash raised his hand, paused, and then knocked.

The seconds ticked by, building up the anxiety.

The door opened. Lexi, wearing her blue jean shorts and a tee-shirt, stood in front of him. Her eyes widened. “You’re here?” she whispered.


“Wait.” She took a deep breath, pursing her pretty lips as she blew out the air. “I don’t know why you’re here, but I hope it’s for the same reason that I was packed, ready to drive down and see you. Nash, I love you.”