Page 45 of A Little More

She’d end up getting the truck stuck.

Nash would be mad.

Their first weekend together socially would end up being their last, making their relationship the shortest in the history of non-relationships.

When her phone rang again, she put him on speaker. “Where do I go?”

“Drive around the back of the house, follow the trail that goes down the hill.”

“I’m nervous.”

“Baby, you’ll be fine. It’s exactly like driving your car only bigger.”

Her heart skipped with his use of “baby.” Probably didn’t mean a thing. Nash being a caveman again.

“It’s nothing like driving my car.” She pulled away slowly. “Oh my God, Nash, that hill is too steep to drive down. Your truck is going to roll over. You should have come up here and driven it yourself. You could have gotten it detailed again.”

“Just stick to the path, and you’ll be fine.”

Lexi buckled up before inching forward. “You owe me, Nash Holloway.”

“As long as you let me pick how I pay you back.”

Her hands began to sweat on the steering wheel. She was ready for their first kiss, but it seemed like they’d have to wait a little longer. Farm vehicles stuck in the mud took precedence.

Their first kiss would probably be a major let down. All this chemistry and he’d probably kiss like a vacuum cleaner or something.

Gradually, she made it down the hill and over to where he stood without too many squeals or four-letter words, probably pushing his patience with her granny-style driving skills.

Their reunion didn’t exactly add up to the grand arrival with slow-motion running toward one another while a song by Bryan Adams played in the background. Nope. Here he was, not even coming over to greet her but directing her like an air traffic controller.

She heard the drag of metal out of the back of the truck and clanging as he hooked a chain to the gator.

“Give it a little gas,” he shouted.

With one look to make sure he was out of the way, she pressed the pedal. The truck pulled the chain tight, and the gator popped out, both vehicles jumped forward. Mud slung in all different directions, hitting his previously clean truck.

“Whoa!” he shouted.

She slammed on the breaks, hoping Nash didn’t get caught in the chain or something.

He jogged over and opened her door, demonstrating how muddy a person could become. As in not an inch of clean, dry skin was visible except for most of his face.

“I’m glad you took a shower before I came down to see you.” She unbuckled and swung her legs over the edge of the seat but didn’t get down. The ground looked soggy. The mud didn’t smell too great, either.

“Believe me, once I get cleaned up, you won’t be so safe sitting in my truck where I can’t touch you.”

She took a deep breath as nerves raced over her skin. “I guess if I was having second thoughts, now would be the time to tell you. Keep you from trying to persuade me with all your Southern charm and flirting while you’re covered in mud and don’t want to get the inside of your truck dirty.”

“Are you having second thoughts?” He moved a fraction closer.

She smirked, enjoying her safe position and gentle teasing. Flirting with a guy wasn’t second nature. “I don’t know. I have to figure out if I like your new style.” She motioned towards his pants, mud-caked from hip to boot. “It might be a little too rustic for me. I am a city girl, after all.”

He snatched her out of the seat, strong hands on her waist as he spun around, pinning her against the side of the truck. She gasped as his body pressed up against hers.

His lips hovered a mere inch away.

So male.