Page 26 of A Little More

“We can break for lunch,” John offered immediately. “Get some real food in her.”

“I’m right here.” Lexi took a breath, focusing on John. If she looked at Nash, he’d see straight through her. “And I’m fine. I am a little hot and hungry.” More like hot and bothered.

“Where’s lunch?” John laughed, happy as always although his eyes were still watching her with concern. “My favorite part of traveling for this job.”

Nash rested a hand on Lexi’s shoulder, squeezing lightly. “Do you think food would help?”

A little common sense would help more, but she mustered up a small smile. “Probably. I can’t do another burger, Nash. Any other options?”

He straightened his shoulders. “We can drive about twenty minutes away. There’s a pretty good restaurant near the interstate that has other food options.” He gave her a half-smile, revealing a little dimple. “It’s a country-style buffet. Meat and veggies type of thing. They’re known for their cornbread.”

“I’m in, but Lexi won’t eat that, will you?” John waited, looking at her with hope.

“Do they have a salad bar?” she asked. John was right, she didn’t usually eat that type of food. She also didn’t go for guys like the one who stood a little too close. Dirty and sexy as hell.

“Yes.” Nash waited for a beat, the worry for her still there in his eyes partially shaded by his faded red baseball hat. “John, if you want to follow us, I’ll lead. This work truck isn’t big enough for all three of us.” He moved past Lexi and held open the passenger door to his truck.

Didn’t ask, just assumed she would ride with him instead of John. Based on the curious look on John’s face, he’d had the same reaction. Nash’s familiarity had to stop before Julien arrived, and she kissed her job goodbye.

John took a couple steps away, seeming to judge Lexi’s reaction. Her internal response comprised of a nice mix of worry and enticement.

He didn’t wait long for her to decide. With an unexplained wink, John said, “see you in a couple minutes,” and whistled as he walked to his car.

Her independence, ingrained in her since college, wanted to push back against Nash at his presumption she’d do whatever he said. But he stood there, holding open the truck door, waiting for her to climb inside so he could drive her to lunch that he’d insist on paying for, no doubt.

The notion of letting Nash take care of her physically, the way he’d suggested before, even if only for a short time, proved a bigger seduction than she’d ever foreseen.

She lifted her foot to climb in.

Nash’s hand latched onto her elbow, pulling her back and against his chest. His body heat soothed the goosebumps he caused along her skin even in the hot weather. His head tilted down, and her breath caught. He wouldn’t kiss her with John a few feet away. And damn her body for wanting that more than anything. She made a pathetic attempt to pull away, but he didn’t release her.

His voice was low, the bass of it resonating in her chest with each word. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

No. But that answered the unspoken question between them. He guided his hand in a slow, torturous way from her elbow, up to her shoulder, and rested at the back of her neck, his strong fingers threading into her hair.

The lightheaded feeling returned. Her breath quickened on its own, despite her attempt to control the reaction.

“I’ll be fine with a little food.” And some distance that he didn’t seem inclined to give her. That she didn’t really want.

His fingers massaged her scalp. Closing her eyes and purring in response wouldn’t send the right message that they should “remain friends.” So, she tried to keep her expression neutral.

“John might see you,” she whispered. Truthfully, it wouldn’t matter if John was nearby or not. They shouldn’t touch this way. Ever. No matter how many times she reminded herself of that, she couldn’t pull away. His scent drew her closer. She could smell the heat from the sun, the grass from the field.

“I don’t care about John. I’m worried about you. You need more than a protein shake. We eat big breakfasts and lunches because we work in the field, Lexi. In the sun and heat. Your chocolate milk is long gone.” He slid his hand around to cup her chin, his thumb brushing lightly over the edge of her bottom lip. “Promise me you’ll eat something more than a salad at lunch.”

How were they still talking about food? His hypnotic voice and touch pushed away reality and all consequences. She would have promised him anything at that moment. She licked her lips.

The pressure of his fingers increased, tilting her head up a fraction.

Desire swirled low in her stomach. God, she wanted him to kiss her. To not give her a choice or let her think about it.

John’s car door shut.

Lexi jerked in response.

Nash blinked a couple times before dropping his hands altogether, suddenly looking unsure and a little embarrassed.

No way John had missed the partial embrace. She hoped her longtime colleague wouldn’t snitch to Julien. She didn’t have a clue how to ask him without acknowledging the moment. Ignoring it seemed the safest bet.