“It will be fine. This meeting is just a formality.” He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, his voice softening. “You look pretty.”
“Thanks.” With a quick kiss, Addie left the sanctuary of his truck. She could handle this. It should come as a relief. And it would. But it also meant she had to face Cameron and lay her heart on the line. She was in love with him, and it was time he knew it.
If he refused her, she’d return to California and figure out her life from there. A different life. She’d never try to hide asHollywoodagain.
Cameron leanedagainst the large stone pillar outside the courthouse. He’d never been to this particular courthouse before, but they all felt the same. His phone chimed with a new email message.
He smiled at the request for an interview for the position out in California. Finally, some solid news to lean on when he spoke with Addie. Her suitcase sat in the back of his truck. She’d reluctantly booked an airline ticket out to Los Angeles, where her brother had stored her belongings.
He blew out a deep breath. This was the riskiest move he’d ever made personally.
Giving up his dream to be Sheriff of his hometown had been hard. For anyone else, it was unfathomable. But not for Addie. He’d give up everything for Addie.
The door to the courthouse opened. Addie stepped out, speaking low with her attorney before shaking hands with him. Her eyes fell on Cameron, and she headed down the short flight of stairs to where he stood.
“That’s that. My record is cleared.” She shifted her purse strap. “I’d hoped we could talk for a second before you drive me to the airport.”
“Me, too.” He reached for her hand. “I have some news I hope you’ll like.” Hope was such an understatement. He needed her to like it. If Addie walked out if his life…that just wasn’t a possibility.
“Really?” She slipped on her sunglasses. “And what news is that?”
Now or never, boy. “I was offered an interview with a police department outside of Los Angeles.”
She stumbled down the last two steps. Cameron grabbed hold of her waist.
Now that he had her in his arms, he refused to let go. He turned her to face him, hating she had on sunglasses, and he couldn’t see what she was thinking. He pushed them up and into her hair the way she sometimes wore them. Better.
“You”—she licked her lips—“you applied for a job in California?”
“You’d give up Statem for…”
She’d trailed off, and a cute flush started at the base of her throat.
He trailed a finger down the side of her face and tipped her chin up. “You.”
Her lips parted. He leaned in for a kiss, but she blurted out, “I changed jobs.”
The shock pushed him back a step. “You what?”
“I changed jobs. I contacted my boss and asked for something less on the not quite legal side and more on the certainly legal side.” A small laugh escaped. “I was hoping you’d reconsider letting me live with you.”
“In Statem? I didn’t think you liked it there.”
“It will take some getting used to, I’m sure, but I’ve never been happier or felt more myself than these past two weeks. I don’t want to give that up.”
He took a steadying breath. There was no way this was happening. “But you live in California.”
“There’s nothing for me in L.A., Cameron.” She shook her head, her eyes never straying from his. “Everything in the world I need is here with you. I love you.”
Dragging her back to him, he covered her lips with his own. He wouldn’t give her a chance to back out. She’d given him back his dream and made it better. Now, that dream of his future in Statem included her.
He rested his forehead against hers. “You won’t regret it. I love you, too.”
Addie kissed him again. She’d spoil him this way. And he’d take it.
“Is the offer to live with you still on the table, or is that moving too fast?”