Page 50 of Hiding Hollywood

He tilted her chin up. “Let’s settle something right here. I will never insinuate that you are not the smartest person in the room. I thought that when you were fifteen and nothing has changed. Except, now, I’m allowed to kiss you.”

How would he have known? She was invisible back then. “You didn’t even know I existed at fifteen.”

“Yes, I did.” He ran a finger down her cheek, leaving a trail of heat. “You were so damn kissable in those big glasses. You walked around with this look about you like you knew something everyone else in the room didn’t. And you probably did since you were surrounded by a bunch of teenage football players. A few of them took notice, too. I knocked a guy out for saying something inappropriate about you.”

She swallowed, her mouth feeling dry. “You…you did?” His revelation kicked her back a step. He’d liked her? She’d spenthoursdreaming about him, hoping he noticed her that summer, and he had?

He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You were jail bait with me already eighteen. Better yet, touching you was a death sentence if I even considered it with the way Trevor protected you, but don’t say I didn’t notice. The only time I got up enough courage to talk to you was that week before I left.” He nodded, his voice softened a touch. “Now, tell me, why did you come to town? For real this time.”

She glanced up at the security camera. “The thief shows up on the cameras around this part of the town more than any other.”

“You’ve still been working the case?”

“Yes.” She waited for him to scold her, but he didn’t. Good. The quicker she got the case figured out, the faster she could get back to bringing down Sunflower.

“You could have waited for me. I’d have come with you.”

She lifted a shoulder, hoping it wasn’t a big deal to him. “I didn’t think about waiting. I thought I could try and move the camera to the right.” She pointed to the one she’d noticed. “I wanted to see how high it was. Figure out if I needed a ladder—”

“How many cameras have you accessed, Addie?”

“I’ve found nine systems. Most were useless, but that one”—she pointed to the courthouse camera—“catches him. It’s a shot in the dark that he’s using this parking lot.”

He pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear. That simple, sweet move made her want more than their short time together. He’d be a great boyfriend. As soon as he stopped trying to arrest her.

“Why are you so determined to solve this? Most people don’t go running toward the danger.”

Addie swallowed, her face growing warmer.

His shoulders drooped. “You’re hiding something again.”

“No, I’m not.”

“I can tell.”

She pressed her lips together. After years of keeping her job a secret, had she finally found someone she could have faith enough to confide in?

“You don’t trust me, do you?”

“It’s not exactly that.” She took a deep breath. “There’s a legal issue.”

Her chest tightened. She did trust him. The confidentiality clause withWhite Rabbitincluded a monetary penalty and being kicked out of the organization. The idea of getting kicked out hurt more than losing the money.

This was one huge leap of faith. But she wanted to confide in him. To finally have someone know her completely. Lying to him would end their short relationship. He might not like the answer, but the one thing she could give him was honesty. “Can you keep a secret?”

He held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

Where to start? “I have a hard time concentrating on more than one job at a time. I know that sounds crazy, but I have my own work I need to do. It’s been almost impossible to do my work right now, so I’ve focused on helping you. I know you don’t need it, but here I am anyway. Offering my services.”

“What are your services exactly?” His eyebrows drew down tight.

Addie laughed and patted him on the chest. “Not like escort services. Unless you’d change your mind about sleeping with me. I might make an exception.”

“My mind is made up. Stick to your story. What services?”

“Fine,” she grumbled. She’d find a way to lure Cameron out of his shell, and his pants, another time. “Services like the ones I’ve done for you and your dad.” She motioned around them. “Like with the cameras.”

“You hack into systems as your job? I thought you worked at the perfume counter.”