Page 48 of Hiding Hollywood

She pulled the sedan into the parking lot next to the library. She’d have to figure out how to seduce her sheriff another time. Right now, she had to find out the thief’s next move. And she had an idea.

Her hacking activities had fallen into two categories: action and avoidance.

She’d been active in searching through any networked security camera in town. If she did decide to change jobs, security consultant would be her best bet. There wasn’t a network in the town she hadn’t accessed.

That led her to the avoidance of her own job withWhite Rabbit. She didn’t even log on the server today.Miss Alicehad bombarded her with messages last time. She’d get to it…but not right now. Her energy and concentration stayed solely on Cameron’s case.

The security camera from the corner of the courthouse had captured more images of the mysterious man than any other place. She looked back and forth at the angle of the camera. It sat just to the left of the parking lot. Not enough to get an I.D. on any car he might use, but he’d passed by that courthouse camera almost every night someone in the town had reported a theft.

But there was that one camera that if pushed a little to the right would capture most of the parking lot—


Addie whirled around, her hand flying to her throat. She closed off her expression before annoyance replaced the shock. Dexter. That guy that Mrs. Dempsey’s friend wanted her to go on a date with. His long, black trench coat reminded her of a vampire. So did his pale face and sallow eyes.

She never understood the teenage girl obsession with vampires.

She felt her body step away before she’d stopped herself. Retreating might look strange.

“Hey.” She changed direction, pretending to ignore him and hoping the library was empty.

“They just closed.”

She wrinkled her nose and stared straight ahead. Crap. There went her cover story. For someone who based their entire life onHollywoodand having a massive cover story, she had turned into shit in being prepared while staying in Statem.

“I was headed to grab a burger. You wanna come.” He smiled in a way that made goosebumps rise over her arms. “I’d love the company. Gets a little tiring sitting with Ruth every night.”

“I’m sure it does.”

“And you only have the Sheriff’s wife to talk to. I can imagine that’s pretty boring.” He took a slow step her direction.

“Look, you seem like a nice guy….”

The congenial look disappeared. His blank expression turned her stomach queasy. She glanced around.


In an empty parking lot at dusk.

With a guy that could be hiding any weapon in the world under that ugly, long coat. It didn’t help that she tracked down criminals for a living. Her mind had plenty of material to use in her imagination.

“It’s just, I, well…” Her brain scrambled for a reason. She notched her chin up a little. “I don’t want to give people the wrong impression since I have a boyfriend. It’s a new relationship, and everyone knows that small towns talk.”

“New relationship? Ruth thought you were dating that cop. She said your boyfriend came to town yesterday and made a big scene. You’ve only been here less than two weeks, not much time to start something new. Who are you seeing?”


She whirled around. The easy way Cameron said her name didn’t match the stern look in his eyes. He’d changed out of his uniform and into a blue and violet plaid button-down shirt tucked into dark jeans.

He covered the distance between them at an easy gait, his cowboy boots echoing off the building walls surrounding the parking lot. She didn’t have to wonder what he was thinking as soon as his eyes landed on his mom’s car and narrowed.

He would kill her for this. He’d already told her not to drive. Several times. Too bad he didn’t look in the mood to use those handcuffs for something more recreational.

“Hey, honey.” She slid her hand around his waist. His body jerked from the contact, but he kept his eyes trained on Dexter.

Dexter’s stare intensified. His gray eyes amped up the eerie quality that made her want to run. She eyed his jacket and tan combat boots. She could outrun him. That thought comforted her. Instead of running, she leaned into Cameron, glad he’d arrived when he did.

The muscle in Cameron’s jaw clenched under his five o’clock shadow. “What are you up tonow?”