Page 15 of Hiding Hollywood

“What do you mean information?”

“He did a background check on Brian for you.”

“I didn’t ask him to do that. But now that you mentioned it, I’ll probably call him up for some extra fighting power. Any dirt will help. Cameron doesn’t play dirty anymore.” She could hear the smile in his voice when he added, “I still do.”

She’d let him handle Brian. All she wanted was to go back to California and continue with her life. Without Brian.

“How close are you and Cameron, Trev?”

After a slight pause, he sighed. “We’ve kept in touch off and on. Met up a couple times over the years. Emailed some. Why are you asking?”

“No reason. I’ve just never heard you talk about him.”

“Is he being nice?”

“Do you expect him not to be?” So, grumpy Cameron wasn’t unusual.

“Cameron can be a little rough around the edges. Ever since he and his fiancé broke it off, he’s been different. Very focused on his career. Doesn’t joke as much.”

“Tell me about it.” Addie pushed away from the sympathy she felt for him. “Don’t worry, he’s dating someone named Lacy now.”

“Lacy? Oh, I hadn’t heard. Must be pretty new. Last time we talked, I was more interested in getting you out of prison. Hey, four-eyes, Grayson just showed up for this meeting. The producers for his next film are making all kinds of strange requirements, and I’m about to start negotiations. His manager is complaining about her percentages, so I’m flying solo.” He chuckled. “You know how demanding my A-list star is.”

“Grayson is not demanding. Tell him I said ‘hi’. He better be with us next year for Christmas. Santa might bring him something nice.”

“He’s a grown man.”

“Santa might bring you something, too, if you’re good.”

Trevor laughed. “That’s more like it. I’ll pass the message along.”

“Oh, do you mind sending me my new credit card numbers? Or buying a computer and shipping—”

“No. Absolutely not.”

“Trevor.” She whined his name, the same ways she did when she was little, and he wouldn’t let her play with him. “I need to get on a computer, and I can’t do that with the Dempsey’s computer.” He might not know everything she did, but he knew enough.

“Tough luck. Relax while you’re there. The break will be good for you. I love you, four-eyes.”

She sighed. “Love ya.” Ending the call, she reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her purple nail polish to apply a second coat. Grayson Moore was one of the biggest movie stars in the world, and Trevor was his agentandmanager when Grayson and his real manager were fighting. She’d known Grayson for the past five years and had invited him to Christmas each year. He always declined, choosing to jet off to some remote location alone instead.

That was another reason she didn’t get to see her brother as much as she wanted. Brian hated that Trevor refused to represent him and score him some major television or movie roles. She’s always acted dumb on the subject, promising to talk to Trevor on his behalf.

She never did ask Trevor for the favor, but that was really for Brian’s own good. She didn’t trust Trevor to be unbiased when it came to her boyfriend.

She blew on her nails. Nothing said professional computer hacker like a color named Purple People Eater she’d picked up at the drugstore when she realized that mani/pedi might never happen. The emergency cash she’d packed would have to last her until the end of next week.

Lazy house guest sounded like a better title at the moment than computer hacker. She needed a computer and access to the internet, and there was no way the public library would give her enough privacy to do what she needed to do.

Everyone expected her to surf the web for designer shoes, not type lines and lines of commands. Regular computers didn’t work for her. If she couldn’t configure a few safety features, any job she did could be traced, and her location revealed. She dealt with the scum of the earth and could place all of Statem in potential danger if one of her subjects came calling.

Addie yawned and screwed the top on the nail polish. It was close to two in the afternoon. She’d hung out with Mrs. Dempsey most of the morning until she’d decided to text her brother to give her a call and discuss her pending charges. The entire situation didn’t give her too much anxiety since she knew she was innocent. She needed Brian to answer his dumb phone and straighten it out so she could get on with her life. Without him, preferably. It was time to get out from under his controlling nature. She’d considered it before, but each time, she went back. It was easier that way.

She bounced off the bed, remembering Mrs. Dempsey’s permission to make coffee any time of the day. Coffee solved everything. It would pick up her mood, and then, she could come up with another plan to get a computer. Or escape her plush prison. If some of those cinnamon rolls were still out on the counter, she’d come up with another plan on how to not gain fifty pounds in the two weeks living with Mrs. Dempsey.

Cameron was right. She was a great cook. Statem didn’t have a gym, but if Addie never had to work as a hacker again forWhite Rabbit,she wouldn’t have a reason to worry about how she looked for a cover story. She could gain fifty pounds, and instead ofHollywoodas her alias, she’d call herselfHäagen-Dazs.

She peeked around the corner to the kitchen. Empty.