Nikki stirred in her sleep and adjusted her body, pressing her breasts against my side. There was no other place I’d rather be than here. I kissed her forehead and her soft hair while my fingers kneaded her hip.
“I’m sorry I pushed you away, Henry.” Her raspy voice filled the silent room. Her lips on my chest made my cock react. “I’ve been alone for so long—”
“It’s done.” Now that I had her here, whatever pain I’d felt before when I’d thought she’d left again was gone, as if it’d never existed. “I’m sorry I scared you last night.”
She winced. “For a moment, I thought you were going to kill him.”
“For a moment, I did too. I lived with that part of me for so long. It blinded me to everything else. I promise you all of that is gone.”
“It’s done.” She pressed her lips to mine. I shifted my weight to face her. She sighed and pushed on my shoulder. “As much as I’d like to stay in bed all day, I’d like to see Tessa. How is she doing?”
I dropped back on the pillow, blowing out air as I reached over the side of the bed to pick up my old high school jersey. The one she’d been wearing when I walked in earlier today. God, the sight of her had stopped me in my tracks. I’d had so much I needed to say to her, but the second she’d raised her arms and flashed me that pretty spot between her thighs, I’d forgotten about everything else. I planted a wet kiss on one nipple and then the other before I gave her back her top.
“Here. If you want to have a conversation with me, you need to put those away.” A pang of disappointment washed over me when she let out a sexy sigh and slipped the shirt over her head and chest.
“So how’s your mom?”
“Bullet went straight through, no nerve damage. So she’ll be fine, though the doctor was concerned about…” I took a deep breath and waited until the slow burn in my stomach subsided. I needed to let go of that anger too. Jonathan and Francesca would spend the rest of their lives in jail. They’d gotten what they deserved. We had to move on and live our lives. “It seems Mom’s addicted to whatever painkillers Francesca was using to sedate her. But Mom’s willing to do everything she can to kick the habit.”
“She will.” Nikki placed her hand on my chest, flashing me her signature smile, the one that made me feel as if anything was possible. “She survived Francesca. She’ll survive this too.”
“For now she needs to rest. But we can see her tomorrow.” I squeezed her hand.
“What is it?”
“I also talked to Dom. I can take over the manor immediately. The rest will take a few more days.”
Smiling, she sat on her heels next to me. “So you’re a proper Cavalier again?” Her blue eyes surveyed my face as her fingers outlined the edge of my jaw. “The Prince of Paradise is back.”
I groaned at the nickname. “Don’t call me that.”
She grinned, putting up her hand. “Okay. From now on, you’ll be the hot construction worker I met my first day back, stubborn—”
“Architect.” I chuckled.
“Whatever.” She gave me a one-shoulder shrug and straddled me, dropping her bare ass on my stomach.
I cupped her face and captured her mouth. My pulse quickened when her tongue slipped past my teeth. “Move in with me,” I whispered.
“What? Here?”
“Unless you want us to live at the hotel. Though this place is way nicer. Lisa can stay here too. She can have her own wing of the house.” I kissed her neck.
“Lisa.” She pushed at my shoulders again. “I need to call Dom. He said—”
“Relax.” I wrapped my arms around her to keep her in place. “I took care of it.”
“What does that mean?” She peered at me.
“It’s a surprise. All I can say for now is that Lisa is coming home.”
“Really?” She giggled, a carefree and loving sound that made me feel ten feet tall. I finally could give her everything she wanted. She cupped my face. “And we can both live here with you?”
“I refuse to spend any more time away from you.”
“Thank you,” she said on my lips, squeezing her legs around my hips.
I slipped my hands under her top. Her smooth skin made me want to forget about the world.