“Yes.” I shoved him away from me. The hole in my chest blocked the air to my lungs and made everything hurt. I wanted Henry to feel the same pain. I balled my hands and struck him. And all he did was stare at me, letting me pound on him.
I stopped to inhale, and he hugged me close to him, his ragged breath in my ear. “Hipolita, I’m sorry. I should’ve come back. I should’ve waited all night.” He cradled the nape of my neck. “The men who came for me told me they saw you leave town.”
I shook my head. Brows furrowed, he surveyed my face as if he didn’t recognize me. His thumb slid up and down my jaw. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against mine in some kind of surrender.
“God, I missed you. I missed you every day you were gone.” He covered my mouth with his.
I snaked my hands through his soft hair, tasting my own tears on his lips. Standing on my tiptoes, I deepened the kiss, pressing my body against him. He groaned, a sexy, all-consuming groan that made my toes curl. This version of the Henry I’d grown up with was a stranger to me. But it didn’t matter. My body reacted to him, just as it’d done my first day back in town. I wanted him in the worst way possible. I wanted his hands on me, his lips, his hard body. But what I wanted right now didn’t matter. Henry was a beautiful distraction I didn’t have time for.
I slipped my fingers up his stomach and pushed him away from me. He gripped my waist with both hands and waited for me to make up my mind.
“Henry,” I whispered.
“I’m right here.” His warm breath sent goose bumps down my arm.
This was going to be the hardest thing I’d ever had to do. Whatever he made me feel, it didn’t erase all the years I’d spent hating him. Not to mention the rest of Lisa’s life was on the line here. Time. Why was it always bad timing for us?
“I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
I touched his cheek, and he closed his eyes. “I hear you have a gig for me.”
He laughed, a deep, hoarse laugh that made my resolve quaver for a moment. “I can wait until you’re ready. I wasn’t expecting you to just forget the last ten years and run away with me.”
I let out a nervous laugh. Run away with Henry? “We already tried that, and it didn’t work.”
“Like I said, I can wait, but if we’re going to talk business, you need to get dressed first.” His gaze fell on my chest.
“Iamdressed.” I flashed him an innocent smile. “I’d tell you my eyes are up here, but I’m enjoying this too much.” I ran a hand over his broad shoulders. “I like knowing you’re not indifferent to me.”
“Indifferent? Are you kidding me? I’ve been in sheer agony since you waltzed back into my life.”
“Well, you didn’t show it.” I crossed my arms.
“I’m good at poker.” He sat on the sofa, running a hand over his mussed hair. The muscles on his arms rippled with the effort. He was doing it on purpose, no doubt. “I could show you a few tips if you want. You’re a horrible liar.”
“I’m a perfectly good liar, thank you.” Soft bubbles filled the hole in my chest. Henry wanted me as much as I wanted him. For now that was enough. “What do you need from me?”
He licked his lips and cleared his throat. “It appears you were right. You do have a skill I can use.”
“What are we stealing, Henry?”
“My mother.”
“Your mother?” That killed the mood. I plopped myself next to him. Tessa Cavalier had been the genius behind all the parties at this hotel. She’d also been a ray of light in my life after my parents died. Until she got sick. “I’m always up for bending the rules a little and maybe breaking a few unnecessary laws. You know that.”
Henry grinned, reaching for my hand. “More like complete disregard for the rules, but we’ll use your word.”
“Kidnapping? I mean, does she want to be stolen? Or come with us?” Swiping a few trinkets, mostly art, here and there was actually fun—not that I’d ever admit that to Henry—but this was major. “Does she…how is she?”
“Worse.” He glanced down at his hands. His Adam’s apple bobbed, and my heart squeezed tight. “You should’ve seen her. She can barely move or speak.”
“Where is she?” To break into a hospice would require some planning, but it was totally doable. We’d need uniforms, access cards, and a few favors—lonely security guards were my specialty.
“Cavalier Manor.”
Well, fuck. Cavalier Manor was a fortress and with reason. The place was drowning in expensive art and furnishings. Lisa and I hadn’t even been allowed to walk on the rugs. Where Henry’s mom had been an angel to us, doing everything she could to fill in the void our parents left behind when they died, Henry’s aunt had been a real bitch. She’d never let us forget we were at the manor to work. I was ten, but she didn’t give a shit.
“That’s going to be tricky. She’s home. Why would we take her away from that? And where would you take her?”