“Anabelle.” Josh’s pleasant tone greeted me with a peck on the cheek as soon as we walked in. “I hadn’t expected such a big gathering.”
Wesley perched himself on the sofa armrest with a glass of bourbon in his hand. “I was already here when you called. Anabelle figured you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course not. We’re all friends here.”
“I was here too.” Zack raised his hand.
“Congressman, let me introduce you. I don’t think you’ve met Rebecca Smith.”
His eyes went big when he spotted Rebecca on the other end of the couch. She had that effect on most people. “I don’t believe so. Nice to meet you. And please call me Josh.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Rebecca shook his hand quickly.
Lilly greeted Josh with a combination of a hug and pinch of his cheek, then immediately proceeded to guilt him into joining her for a healthy pour of her special tea. If she kept that up, we wouldn’t need any of Rebecca’s brew.
I took Rebecca’s arm and pulled her down to sit next to me. “Relax. He’s fine. I think we’re good.”
“He just got here. We’re not good,” she said through gritted teeth.
Her words were laced with a heavy dose of cynicism that made me nervous. I so didn’t want to be wrong about Josh. Drugging him felt like crossing some kind of line. “So, Josh, did you come here straight from work?”And also, did you bring the visas?
“I did. Traffic was unbearable, but now I get to relax and enjoy good company.” He offered me a kind smile that made Wesley roll his eyes.
I had to admit I was enjoying the display. The way Wesley wouldn’t stop staring. How many times did I fantasize about him looking at me with desire in his eyes? I shifted my body toward him, doing my best not to glance down at my watch to see how many more hours we had before we could be alone again.
“So, Josh, Anabelle tells me you’re helping her with a relief project.” Wesley leaned in.
Josh’s gaze darted from Wesley to mine, then to Lilly. “I do what I can.”
“So it’s all taken care of?” Wesley sipped from his glass. “She mentioned she was in a hurry.”
“Like I said, I do what I can. But we can talk later.” Josh winked at me.
Before Wesley could press on, Tullie walked in and announced dinner was set up in the dining room. I sat at the head of the table with Wesley and Josh on either side of me. Lucky for me, Lilly kept the conversation flowing, focusing mostly on me and all my virtues. She sold it hard throughout dinner. In return, Josh played the politician to perfection appearing to agree, but not really committing to anything. That was fine by me.
He had made it clear he would only discuss the visas with me. I needed to get him alone so I could get a definitive answer from him. The meal dragged on for what felt like hours until Lilly took pity on me and invited everyone for a nightcap in the next room.
Everyone filed out ahead of me, except for Wesley who took the opportunity to hold my hand and plant a quick kiss on my bare shoulder. “Now I know I have nothing to worry about with the congressman. Even with Mom’s help, he’s such a bore.”
I giggled. “Don’t be mean. He’s behaving.”
“I still don’t see any papers.” He shrugged and went left toward the downstairs bathroom.
When I crossed the threshold, Josh greeted me with a wolfy grin. “They all left us.”
“Where did they go?”
“Powder room, I believe.” He patted the seat next to him on the oversize sofa.
I obliged because I was ready for this night to be over. “I’m glad you joined us for dinner.”
He nodded, his gaze roaming my face.
“So I have to ask. Did you get a chance to look into the two visas I need?”
“You’re so beautiful.” He ran a finger along the side of my face. I shoved his hand away, and he caught my wrist. “No more teasing.” He gripped the nape of my neck and pressed his open mouth to mine.
What the hell?