She rolled her eyes at me. “I want you to do it. I took a peek at some of those statements you sent. You’re good.”
“I’m the best.”
“You’ll have to promise not to freeze my accounts every time I decide to do something you don’t agree with.” She cocked an eyebrow, pursing her lips to hide a smile. She looked so fucking sexy. I made a mental note to sneak out of the brunch early.
“I’m sorry I went all caveman on you. I was worried.”
“I know. And now I know why. I was just teasing you.” She winked. “I’m fine with the way things are. Only thing is, I’m going to need significant funds to kickstart the art gallery.”
“You’re really doing it?”
“I get giddy every time I think about it. I mean, I have no clue what I’m doing, but I’ll figure it out.” She beamed at me.
“You’ll be great at it.”
“I already contacted the humanitarian group in California. Their focus is helping Venezuelans in crisis. They’re thrilled for the help.” She practically bounced in place. Her energy was contagious.
“It’s a very generous offer to donate the proceeds from the gallery to their cause.”
“It’s the least we can do.” She didn’t finish her thought. But she was right, after all the lives Charlie ruined, nothing could make up for it. Though this was a valiant attempt.
“Send me the budget plan, and I’ll figure out what’s the best way to pay for it. I can’t wait to see your paintings.”
“I can’t wait to show them to you.” Her gaze dropped down to my mouth.
I bent down and ghosted her lips. When she sighed, I moved on to the spot behind her ear, then her neck. “I bet we have time to go upstairs for a bit.” Twelve hours without feeling her body in my arms had been too long.
“Okay.” She leaned forward and kissed me hard, her hands all over me. “Wait. No. Lilly texted me before you got here. Everyone’s waiting.” She pressed her hand to her forehead, her pouty lips slightly parted. After a few seconds, she grabbed a dish and gestured for me to grab the other two. “Come on.”
I took another moment to catch my breath and followed her lead. “Who’s going to eat all this food?” I asked while she held the door open.
“You should see what your mom made.” She laughed.
Walking next to her like this, in our own little world, I saw myself doing exactly this for the rest of my life. We were young still and had a lot to figure out about the future. But this part right here felt easy, complete. I couldn’t imagine doing any of this with anyone else but her.
“I was thinking.” Anabelle picked her way through woods, holding her egg casserole high to balance herself. “All this back and forth between our house, doesn’t it make you tired?”
“Not really.”
“You should move in with me.”
“You don’t think it’s too soon?” Truth was, the nights I spent at home without her were hell. Half the time, I spent it thinking about what she was doing, and the other half I thought about what we could be doing. But I figured she needed space, so I put up with it.
“I hate it when you don’t come home. I sort of asked Lilly, and she really doesn’t mind. She even agreed to postpone the wedding plans for a few years.”
“Wow, you really do have the magic touch with her.”
“What do you say?”
“I would say that I love you and I don’t want to spend another night away from you.”
“Wes.” Her eyes watered. “I love you too.”
I glanced down at my laden hands and settled for a quick kiss. Desire flushed her cheeks a pretty pink, and my cock pressed against my trousers. I shot a glance toward her house, but it was too late to go back. “We’re staying for half an hour, tops.”
“Done.” She hurried up the garden steps leading to the upper terrace.
Everyone was already gathered on the deck. A buffet had been set up on the opposite end with steaming chafing dishes, bowls of fruits, bread, and desserts. Mom took the casseroles from me and followed Anabelle back inside the house. Anabelle seemed fulfilled. After all the years she’d spent alone, she’d finally come home.