Page 77 of Unleash You

Please be okay.The words came in and out of focus as I cut through Anabelle’s garden and headed for the kitchen with Teak on my left flank. There were two sets of dirty dishes on the counter....and fuck...Rebecca or someone who knew about her tea had been here.

I picked up the small bottle off the floor and nodded to Teak. He readjusted his body around his rifle and pointed his chin toward the great hall. My training took over at that point. With soundless steps, I covered the length of the corridor. The foyer was empty, as well as all the living areas. Near the sofa, shards of glass crushed under my boots.

What happened here? Did Rebecca try to drug Charlie, and he figured it out? I squeezed my eyes shut and couldn’t stop the mental picture in my head. He never liked being pranked, let alone being crossed like this.

A low whistle brought me back. Teak stood by the threshold with his gaze zeroed in on the upstairs. In two strides, I joined him, and we headed to Anabelle’s suite. If I didn’t get answers soon, the pressure in my chest would give in. I wanted to punch something, scream, or whatever else to make me feel I was a step closer to getting Anabelle and Rebecca to safety, away from Charlie’s insane plans.

The door creaked open. When nothing happened, I kicked it hard. The fucking room was empty. I rushed to the bathroom with my gun held at eye level, my finger curved around the trigger. But all I found was a pile of Anabelle’s dirty clothes.

“Her phone,” Teak said when I returned to the bedroom. “They were here for sure.”

“Looks like. Fuck.” I tossed Anabelle’s jacket on the sofa. “How long ago were they here?”

“We were at their heels. Five hours, if they didn’t stay long.” Teak strode out into the balcony. “Are those your brother’s security guards?”


“Maybe they saw something. They didn’t see us, so who the hell knows.”

“Go, Teak. I can take it from here.” I’d already asked him for too much. “I need to regroup and figure out my next move.”

“Think you’re right. And Mack needs to go home.” He smiled at his rifle. “How do we get back?”

“Let’s leave the guns here.”

If Mom saw us carrying these through the house, she’d have a heart attack. She knew about my days with the corps and was proud of it, but guns in the house was a different story.

When we reached the rental, Mack leaned his hip on the side of the car. “Shit, do you know what it feels like to wake up in a completely different country? I thought I was dead for sure.”

“You’re at my brother’s house. I’m sorry, but we had a situation on our hands. Charlie came home.”

“Oh fuck. Any chance he just gave his sister a ride?” He kneaded his thigh.

I shook my head. “Teak volunteered to give you a ride to your sister’s.”

“Yeah, a real bed sounds great right about now.” He shook my hand and winced from the effort.

Teak gave me a pat on the back and climbed in the car. I watched their taillights fade down the driveway toward the distant glow of the security hut. I trudged back to Anabelle’s house and went straight to her suite. I peeled off the layers of soot-covered clothes and tossed them next to Anabelle’s. I ran the hot water and stepped into the shower, letting the spray wash away the day. Anger and impotence swirled in my chest into a dark cloud that blocked air to my lungs.

She’d texted the letters NYC. I had no time to second-guess myself. I had to get to New York City tonight. After what felt like hours, I shut off the water and wrapped myself in one of Anabelle’s towels. I knew it wasn’t possible, but my senses picked up her sweet scent.

Please be okay.

In under ten minutes, I’d gotten dressed, brushed my teeth, and was on my way next door. I had to see Zack and Rebecca and find out what they saw. Maybe Anabelle left another clue with them.

Inside my brother’s house, the happy reunion was still ongoing in the kitchen. With a deep calming breath, I followed Mom’s excited voice.

When I waved from the threshold, she beamed at me. “Do I even want to know what you’ve been up to?” She wrapped her arms around my waist. I held her tight too.

“Good. I was hoping we’d get to see you.” My brother Matt shot to his feet and

bear-hugged me. “Come in. You have to meet Ela.”

Ela grinned at me and put out her hand. “You must be Wesley.”

“Nice to me you.” I gave her a one-arm hug. This was hardly the time for introductions, but I went along because I didn’t want Mom to suspect Anabelle was missing. “I didn’t know y’all were visiting.”

“Yeah, we got in yesterday afternoon.” Matt rolled his eyes. “Ela wanted to meet Mom.”