Page 53 of Unleash You

“No.” She laughed, pulling my hair at the nape of my neck. “Kissing you anytime I want.”

Raw desire sprung below my navel. I walked her back until we reached a wide tree trunk. “I like that too.”

Our mouths and tongues tangled in a heated give-and-take. More than once, I had fantasized about finding Anabelle out here alone, shoving her against a tree and taking her.

She pulled away first. “I can’t go in the house looking like I just had sex.”

“Who said anything about sex?” I flashed her an innocent smile.

She rolled her eyes. “Come on. Let’s try and get there before noon.”

At the top of the garden steps, we found Mom and Zack with gloomy looks on their faces. As soon as Mom saw us, she shot to her feet. “Derek found her.”

“I know. How is she doing?”

“Not good. She’s fine, but she had a rough night.” Zack stood and shuffled back to widen our circle.

“I’ll go see her tomorrow.” Anabelle pressed her body to mine. “I texted her this morning, but she hasn’t replied.”

“That’s a good idea, dear.” Mom’s eyes went wide as she placed a hand over her mouth to cover a knowing smile.

“You told her?” I asked Zack.

“She saw you do the walk of shame this morning.” He pointed at my hand firmly wrapped around Anabelle’s waist. “And also this.”

I couldn’t seem to get my hands off her. “Okay.”

“We’re happy.” Anabelle glanced at Mom, who already had tears in her eyes.

“And I’m happy for you.” Mom pulled Anabelle into a bear hug, then crashed into me with one arm around my back. “How did I not see this coming?”

Probably because she was too busy trying to get Anabelle and Derek to hook up. My stomach churned at the idea of Anabelle and my brother together, the way it had every time Mom tried to talk Derek into going next door to see Anabelle. But that was on me. If I hadn’t been such a coward, I would have spoken up earlier.

“You’ve been so busy with the house renovations and the wedding.” Anabelle exchanged a meaningful look with me.

“Josh is going to be crushed. But I don’t care.” Mom giggled. “I talked to Birdie today. Apparently, he went partying after our dinner. Came home trashed.”

“I did see him knock a few back during dinner.” I shook my head in disapproval. After what he tried to do to Anabelle, I didn’t care to add fuel to the flames.

“So.” Mom beamed at Anabelle. “Of course, we need to let Derek and Valentina have their moment. Springtime in Atlanta is so beautiful. Have you thought about that?”

“Mom. No.” I gave her a stern look.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Mom wedged herself between Anabelle and me. “How about a tea, dear?”

“I’d love that.” Anabelle let Mom usher her back inside the house.

“Regular tea, please,” I called after them. If they heard, they pretended not to. “How did we get here so fast?” I turned to Zack.

He shrugged. “If you think about it, three years isn’t that fast.”

“Don’t take her side. You know what I mean.”

“I do.” He let the words hang in the air. “When do you head out?”

“In five days. Hey, can I ask for another favor?”
