Page 41 of Unleash You

“I was just leaving. Should we say eight?” Zack turned on his heel and headed back to the Cole estate.

“That works,” I called after him. As soon as he disappeared behind the tree line, the air around me changed. Wesley and I were alone again. Maybe it was just me.

“I should go too.” He nuzzled my neck. Goose bumps spread down my arm when he whispered on my skin. “Just know that our sex conversation isn’t over.”

I stood there and watched him saunter back to his house. A part of me felt sad that we didn’t spend the rest of the day upstairs in my room. But I had to get ready for dinner. I just hoped Josh didn’t lie about bringing the visas with him tonight.

On my way upstairs, I texted Tullie to let her know about our guests tonight. She replied almost immediately with a happy face. I’d gotten her at the right time. They were still at the grocery store. By the time I reached my bedroom, we’d already agreed on a menu to serve six people tonight. For sure, this kind of thing never happened to me in New York.

A little after seven thirty, Tullie knocked on my door. “You’re first guest is here,” she said with a warm smile as soon as I swung the door open.

Shit. Josh was early. If it were anyone else from the Cole family, she would have let them come up. Suddenly, I was very aware that Wesley had never been in my room. Zack had come over pretty much every day since he came home.

“Should I let her know you’re not ready?”


“Yes, Rebecca Smith is here.”

“Oh. Um, I’m not ready. Would you ask her to wait, or maybe she wants to join me?” I’d only spoken to Rebecca a couple of times—when she tricked Valentina and me into inviting her to the engagement party.

“I’ll ask.” Tullie scurried out of the room. She was thrilled to have people over tonight. I could only guess it was because she was excited on my behalf.

I barely had time to change into a cocktail dress I’d bought in New York a long time ago but never found a reason or the courage to wear. It wasn’t as low cut as the gown I wore to Valentina’s party, but it showed plenty. I imagined Wesley running his thumb across my cleavage, as he’d done last night right before he had to leave me to go see Rebecca.

The rap on the door brought me back to my senses and stopped me from going down the jealous-girlfriend spiraling road. What was wrong with me? “Come in.”

“Hi.” Rebecca peeked inside then strolled in.

Of course, she looked as if she’d just walked out of a magazine and was on her way to Paris. How did she do that? “Hi. Wow, you look amazing.”

“Thanks. You too. I see you found another chic number.” She pointed at my dress with an approving nod. “Your congressman will love the off-shoulder thing.” She winked.

“Zack told you?” I didn’t like that she didn’t know about Wesley and me. “It’s not for real. I’m with Wesley now.”

She chuckled, something between a sexy laugh and a raspy groan. “I know. He’s actually the reason I came in early.” She glanced up. “I don’t know where to start. I guess I should start by saying I’m sorry. You know, for lying to you at the dress shop.”

“I understand why you did it. Did you let Valentina see your bruises on purpose?”

She cringed. “I’m sorry. I really needed to talk to Wesley. I came to the house that day, and the guards wouldn’t even call him for me. Security is no joke here.”

“Well, you can see why. Derek’s ex-wife was after Valentina.”

“God, I feel so bad. I helped her get out. I swear if I’d known—”

“Trust me. I know how you feel. We both thought we were helping her. No apologies needed.”

“Thank you. I can see why Wesley is head over heels for you.”

I placed a hand over my mouth to stifle my giggle. Before my mind wandered back into Wesley-only territory, I shook my head and focused on what I had to do tonight. “Enough about that. I can’t let Wesley mess with my head. I need to figure out what to say to Josh so he’ll hand over the visas.”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“Are you decent?” Zack hollered from the other side of the door, followed by a loud knock.

“Come in.” I walked to the side of the bed and slipped on my shoes.

Zack’s merry smile fell when he spotted Rebecca by the french doors. He cleared his throat. “You’re already here.”