Her flowery scent and her hands in my hair put all kinds of ideas in my head. “Maybe we still have our date today. Upstairs?”
If we waited any longer, I might forget that my brother’s room had a perfect view of her backyard.
“Okay.” She puffed out air and pulled me down with her.
We tumbled to the grass, where she landed on top of me. Her mouth found mine, and our tongues fused into a now-familiar dance. In the back of my mind, I vaguely remembered that we needed to be going inside the house instead, but for the life of me, I couldn’t bring myself to get her to stop grinding her hips against my cock. I was so hard for her it hurt.
“Wait.” She pulled away, bracing her arms on either side of my head. “Um, there’s something you should know.”
“You can tell me anything.” I brushed her lips softly.
“Omigod. I never thought it would be like this. I can hardly think.” She peered down at us where our hips were pressed together. “Okay, um, I’m a virgin.”
“What? How?”
“Well, you know. I’ve never doneit.” She swallowed. “I’ve never had sex.”
The Only Plan We Had
“Okay.” Wesley sat up with a dazed look in his eyes. “Sorry. I just need a minute here.”
“Why?” I reached for his face.
He caught my wrist, releasing a breath. “We can’t just jump into this.”
“I still want this. What does it matter if you’re my first?”
He met my gaze. The deep furrow in his brow confused me. He couldn’t possibly be mad at me for not utilizing my time in college a little better. How could I tell him I never had sex because no guy ever compared to him? I wanted only him, even if back then I didn’t fully understand the kind of chemistry we would have.
“It matters.” He rose to his feet. “Tell me you didn’t wait for me.”
“I didn’t wait for you.” I glanced down at my hands.
“You must’ve had a lot of guys trying. Come on.”
Heat rushed to my cheeks and ears. He wasn’t wrong. I wouldn’t say I had a lot of guys trying to get in my pants. One or two, for sure. But that wasn’t the point. I was just never turned on by any of them. Sex wasn’t even on my radar until I came back to Atlanta and reconnected with Wesley.
“What about that guy you dated a few times?”
I placed a hand over my eyes. I kept forgetting Wesley knew a lot about me. Even if we never talked about sex in our letters, I did mention the one guy from my ballet class, the one with the smile that reminded me of him. “I think I would remember if I had sex with him. No, we didn’t do anything. I didn’t have those kinds of feelings for him.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“What about you? Did you…” I wanted to know, even if the thought of Wesley with another woman felt like a kick to my gut. “I mean you said you’ve never done the girlfriend thing.”
“No girlfriends.” He bit the inside of his lip, regarding me through his long eyelashes. “Just friends with benefits. Don’t ask how many because I don’t know.”
To his credit, he seemed remorseful. I closed the space between us and cupped his face. “Now that we got the sex talk out of the way, do you still want to go upstairs?”
He wrapped his arms around me and groaned against my neck. “I really, really do, but I think we should take it slow. I was being a selfish asshole before.”
“Oh good, he’s finally ’fessing up.” Zack hopped over the picket fence and ambled over to us.
I turned to face him. “There’s no way you heard any of that.”