Page 6 of Unravel You

“Hmmm?” She pulled back to look me in the eye. “We’re already engaged, remember?” She flashed the three-carat canary diamond on her finger in front of me.

That wasn’t enough for me. I wanted all of her.

“Engaged is not the same as married. It’s been a whole month, and you still haven’t set a date. Why?”

“A month isn’t long. And it’s been crazy with Max’s school and my work. You’ve been traveling so much.” She scooted back and broke the connection. She was suddenly in a hurry to get dressed. She picked up her underwear off the coffee table and slipped them on. I caught her wrist and held her in place, away from the rest of her clothes and close to me.

“Wait. Don’t you have an urgent meeting you have to go to?”

I chuckled. “No, I made that up. When I saw you in those stockings and Max’s school folder, I texted Sam and asked her to call me with an urgent meeting.”

“You knew the minute I walked in, didn’t you? You knew why I was here.”

She was so easily embarrassed. I had my head so far up my ass today I didn’t think to take time off to be with her. I came straight to the office, for crying out loud. What kind of an asshole does that?

“I’m glad one of us thought of it. But don’t change the subject.”

“I’m not.”

“I asked you a question. You answered with excuses. Why have you not set a date?” I met her gaze, and her pretty cheeks turned pink. My cock reacted again. Maybe she was right. We needed to be dressed for this. I let her go, pulled up my pants, and slipped into my shirt. “Okay, what is it? Are you having second thoughts?”

“No.” She practically spun in place to face me. “Are you?”

I scooted back on the sofa. She padded over, kneeled down on the cushion next to me, and sat back on her heels. “I want a life with you. That hasn’t changed.” She braced her elbow on the backrest.

“And what has changed?” I’d been traveling a lot. After my divorce and being away from the company for a year, I had a lot of catching up to do, old executive decisions to revoke, and just undo the overall damage Bridget, my ex-wife, did when she was in charge. “The traveling should ease up in a month or so. Don’t give up on me just yet.”

“It’s not that.” She inched closer and placed her palm on my bare chest. The scent of her arousal was still on her fingers. I took her hand and kissed it. She blushed. “I’m not sure I’m what you need.”

I barked out a laugh and leaned over until she was on her back and I was on top. “I spent a couple of weeks away from home. That was all it took for me to be back to my old self, forgetting to live, and do nothing but kill myself working. It took you less than five minutes to undo all that. I need you like I need air. Marry me.”

Her eyes watered, and she cupped my face. “I want that. More than anything. I want you. I want all of you to be mine.”

I pressed my lips to hers. “Then pick a date.”

“End of summer.” She ran her hand down my front.

“You need to be more specific than that.” I raised an eyebrow.

“September twenty-first.” She rolled her eyes.


“Wait. What?”

“I like that date. It’s only a little over a month away. I can live with that.”

“Why do I feel like you tricked me into that?” If her pretty eyes could shoot daggers, they would right about now. She slapped my shoulder, then met my gaze, the panic written all over her face. “We’re doing this?”

“We are.” I stood and buttoned my shirt before I tucked my cock into my pants. “Now first things first.” I sauntered to my desk and picked up the phone. “Sam, I’m taking the day off. Cancel my meetings for the rest of the afternoon.”

“Um. Of course. Should I cancel Valentina’s calendar as well?” She asked.

I bet she was smiling from ear to ear. Could she hear us through the wall? Who cared?

“Yeah, good thinking. Go ahead and cancel Valentina’s meetings.”

“Don’t do that.” Valentina rushed to my side.