“No. Thank you. Will you be safe out there?”
“Yeah. I’ll be all right. He just wants money. I’ll be back before the party’s over.”
“Right behind you.” She opened the door and gestured for me to go ahead.
I slowed my gait as I crossed the foyer. Anabelle’s performance was truly beautiful. I cleared my mind and focused on what I had to do. Get Max. I scurried upstairs, clutching Rebecca’s purse to my chest.
When I reached my bedroom, Rebecca called for me in a strained whisper. “Wait for me.”
I let her in the room, locked the door, and rushed to the bed. “I need a bag. I can’t take yours.”
She nodded, taking her purse from me. “Are you sure you’re up for this? You seem really nervous.”
“Why does everyone keep asking me this? Anabelle didn’t want me to go either.” I puffed out a breath. “He has my son. I don’t think Derek realizes how dangerous Alex can be.”
The smile faded from her face. “I understand. What do you need?”
“Anabelle has everyone enthralled with her music. Can you make sure no one sees me leave the house?”
“Done. Get a satchel.” She quickly collected the stacks of bills off the bed and arranged them neatly into five different piles. Had she done this before? She handled money as if she worked at a Las Vegas casino.
I bolted to my closet and returned with the biggest purse I had. Rebecca stacked the cash inside and draped the straps over my shoulder. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to wear the dress out. People will get suspicious if you change.”
“I know. I did change my shoes to ballet flats.” I shrugged.
“Don’t think. Just focus on the task at hand and get it done. There’s no room for emotion.” She gripped my shoulders and met my gaze. “Get. It. Done.”
I nodded furiously.
“Say it. Get it done.”
“Get it done.”
“You’re ready. Come on.”
“You’ve done this before?” I asked as we walked down the corridor toward the grand staircase. I needed to keep my head clear and not think about what I was about to do. How dangerous it was. How lonely and scared Max might be.
“I’ll answer all your questions when you return. Shit. Hold on.” She pulled me back against the wall.
Her hands on my shoulders were as clammy as mine. Anabelle had stopped playing, and people spilled out of the drawing room. No one would question if I went out the front door, but Wesley and Zack might get suspicious.
“They’re twins?” She leaned forward. “Shit.”
“Yeah, they are. Were you not introduced?”
“Not exactly.” She shoved me toward the landing. “You need to go. Go. Now.”
“Thanks.” I waited until they headed back to the wine cellar in the basement, and then I made a run for it down the stairs and out the front door.
My chest hurt from my heart beating so fast all this time. But I would have met Alex at the end of the world to get Max to safety. Luckily, I only had to go three miles. Just as Anabelle had promised, her driver waited for me out on the driveway. I climbed into the back seat of the Escalade, and he took off.
“Mrs. Cole. How is your evening so far?”
“Good. Thank you for driving me.”
“Sure thing.”
I nodded. A part of me wished that Alex’s note was someone’s idea of a bad joke. But who would do such a thing? Even Bridget wouldn’t waste her time with something so petty. Unfortunately, Alex’s greed would have him wasting his time with me, flying all the way to Atlanta for five thousand dollars. What had he done with the money Derek gave him two months ago? Why had he not asked for more? Maybe he knew I didn’t have access to a larger amount of money. This was an easy payday for him.