Page 49 of Unravel You

“Me too.” He kissed my temple. “I was so afraid I’d lost you.”

“I needed time to figure things out. It hurt me to be away from you.”

“It hurt me too. I was an idiot for thinking that merging our lives would be a quick snap of the fingers. I should’ve told you how I felt from the beginning. I guess deep down I’d hoped that you’d be so impressed with this house you’d want to move here immediately. I was selfish.”

“Don’t say that. You have every right to want to be home. I’m willing to try.”

“That’s all I ask.” He kissed me. “We should stay here for a few days. I’m sure everyone will understand.”

“I’d like that.” The rain stopped beating on the windows. In a matter of seconds, the room turned bright with sunrays slanting across the tile. “Oh crap.”

“What is it?” Derek peered down on me with a deep scowl between his eyebrows.

“I promised Anabelle I’d go shopping with her in the morning. She needs a dress for the engagement party.”

“No. Tell her something came up.” He cupped my breast.

“I can’t. She needs my help.”

“Oh no. You’re doing it again, aren’t you?” He sat up to properly stare me down.

“Doing what again? I’m just helping her find a dress that shows off her good features.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. Like when you drove two hours to help Dom’s girlfriend escape? And then hijacked my private plane to send her cross-country to go look for him?”

“Everything is going to sound bad when you say it in that tone. You were there. Emilia and I were perfectly safe.”

“I wasn’t there. More like I found out about what you had done, showed up at the hangar, and you had no choice but to tell me what you were planning.”

The tiny wrinkles around his eyes told me he wasn’t mad at me anymore. But he’d been worried sick for me that day. What was I supposed to do? Emilia called Derek as a last resort. She was being held against her will. Even if her mom and Dom thought it was for her own good, it hadn’t been the right thing to do. I’d do it all over again if it meant they would find their way back to each other.

“You weren’t going to help her.” I shook my head.

“That’s because Dom didn’t want me to.”

“Both of you were wrong, and you know it.”

“Yeah, okay. He was being an ass.”

“This time it’s just shopping. I promise. Anabelle wants everyone to see her as the grown woman she is. She’s been a great friend since I got here. Don’t think your mom changed her mind about me just because. Anabelle had a long talk with her. Believe me, it wasn’t easy for her.”

“I talked to Mom too. She apologized to me. Imagine that?” He shook his head.

I placed my hand on his cheek. “I think she’s ready to let go and move on. She’ll be happy in this house.”

“Thank you for sticking it out with me.”

“I love you. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I love you too.” He kissed me—a long, warm kiss that made my heart swell with happiness.

When he pulled away, I stood and grabbed a towel off the towel warmer on the wall next to the tub. I dried my hair as Derek rinsed suds off my body, pouring several handfuls of warm water on my sex. I playfully slapped his arm away.

“We have until morning. Just one kiss.” He peered up at me.

I braced my hand on the wall and cried out his name when he leaned forward and pressed his lips on my clit.

* * *