Page 17 of Unravel You

“How was Vail?” Em tossed lettuce in a strainer.

“Of course, you know about that.”

“We all get messages so we know what to expect.”

My face felt hot. What kind of notices did they get when Derek and I spent all day in his bedroom? How did he not mind the lack of privacy? The life of a billionaire? “So you know I’m also going to Atlanta.”

She nodded without meeting my gaze. “Check your phone, dear.”

Now what? I dug my mobile from the back pocket of my jeans. There it was.

Hey, work is conspiring against us, I swear. Need to fly out tomorrow. Em can help you pack.

“Seriously?” I tossed the phone on the counter. “I’m starting to feel like his beck-and-call girl. Oh.” I shook my head to apologize to Em. As the housekeeper, she was more or less his beck-and-call girl.

“It’s temporary. I’m sure.” She wiped her hands, sitting on the counter stool. “Sit.”

“If you tell me you already have all my clothes packed, I’m going to scream.” I sat next to her. “And also be very impressed.”

She barked out an amused laugh. “No, dear. No one can keep up with Derek. All we can do is try our best. I’m sure you have questions.”

Was there anything Em didn’t see or know? Of course, I had questions. For example, how bad was Derek’s fight with his mom? Mom and I were close and rarely fought. We talked on the phone every night. I couldn’t imagine not having her in my life. Derek hadn’t seen his mom in years. How’d that happen?

“On a scale from one to ten, how much of a monster in-law is Lilly?” I dropped my head in my hands. I could read between the lines and in between Derek’s hesitant tone when he told me about his mom.

Em laughed again and patted my hand. “I can see why he’s crazy about you. Will Max be joining you?”

“No,” I blurted out. I wasn’t about to drag my son into this, especially when I didn’t know what awaited me in Atlanta. For thirty days. I rubbed my chest and took a deep breath. Every time I thought of it, my stomach twisted. “He already started school. A month is too long. He needs his routine and his own bed. It isn’t fair to drag him cross-country just for me.”

“Or in case you need to make a quick exit?” She glanced at me over the rim of her eyeglasses.

“That too. This next step scares the crap out of me.”

“You’d be the wrong woman for him if it didn’t. I will stay in Tucson, and if you change your mind, Max and I can fly out for a day or so. Up to you.”

“Derek tell you to say that?”

“Yes. But I want to do it.” She pulled a plate full of cookies in front of me. “Here. Grab one before Max gets done with swim.”

I took one and bit into it, wishing we’d stayed in Vail and had dessert there. “What am I walking into, really?”

“Derek’s Lilly’s son. That should tell you something. She’s determined. A fighter. But she also loves her sons. She’d do anything for them.”

“Anything? Like, I don’t know, tell me I’m not good enough for her son and demand I disappear?”

Em pursed her lips. The pity oozed out of her. Somehow my question wasn’t as outlandish as I’d first thought. The seconds ticked by and still no denial.

“Seriously, feel free to lie to me to ease my nerves.”

“It isn’t that.” She glanced up as if looking for the right words. “She would do that. But with you, she has no reason to. Not to mention Derek won’t stand for it.”

But he’d already said he wanted her blessing. And Lilly had already said she wouldn’t give it. This trip meant so much to him. How could I make Lilly like me? I shifted my weight and faced Em. “Okay, tell me everything you know about her. And I mean everything. Don’t hold back on any and all dirt.”

She chuckled. “Well, she does love her house.”

Em didn’t get to the dirt part of her advice. Both Derek and Max barged into the kitchen.

“Tell her.” Max climbed farther up on Derek’s wide back. Derek still had on the dark slacks and suit jacket he wore in Vail, though his white-collared shirt had no ketchup stains on it. Why did he change? I hated that he looked so hot and comfortable in a suit. No, I didn’t hate it.