Page 84 of Unravel You

“I’m her wedding planner. Tell her.” Nikki tossed her blond hair behind her shoulder, bracing her hand on her hip.

“For real? After what she did to you and Derek? He almost lost you because of her.”

That was technically true, but she’d done it for a good reason. Because of her, Derek found the way to get his company back and get evidence that landed Bridget in jail. Between the kidnapping, the embezzlement, and the money-laundering charges, Bridget was going to be gone for a long while. Since then, Nikki had proven to be a good friend.

“I got them back together. And Valentina forgave me. So there. Can we get on with it? We have a wedding happening in less than six hours.”

I glanced at my phone. Crap. It was already eight. “Annie it’s fine. Nikki is my friend. Have you met Anabelle?”

Annie offered me an approving smile. We’d been together through so much since we first met in kindergarten. She was very protective of Max and me. “Yes. She’s good peeps.”

“Okay. You, little man. Are you still my assistant for the day?” Nikki pointed at Max. He nodded, standing at attention. “Good. Because Ms. Emily needs you in the kitchen, stat. You’re on party-favors duty. Can you handle that?”

“I can help.”

“Perfect. Go find Ms. Emily.”

Max hugged me and then Annie before he darted out of the room. “Is it really going to take six hours to get me ready?”

“Yes.” Annie stepped in. “And you also need to eat. We can’t have you passing out halfway through the ceremony.” She opened the french doors to the terrace.

Even with the commotion down in the yard, the space felt serene. Someone had set up a breakfast bar for us with chafing dishes lining the left wall and a mimosa bar on the other end. High tables and two sofas had been arranged in the middle section. The stone staircase that led to the lush garden below us had already been adorned with floral arrangements that curved all the way down.

“As discussed.” Nikki pulled me out of bed and ushered me outside. “Your dad will be waiting for you at the bottom of the steps to walk you down the aisle. All of this will be removed after we eat, of course.”

“Thank you. Omigod, this looks amazing.” I bent down to smell the orchids weaved into each arrangement.

Nikki gave me a one-shoulder shrug. “I told you I was going to give you an epic wedding. And that’s what you’re going to have.” She turned her attention to Annie. “Will there be an epic dress to go along with it?”

“Of course. I made the dress myself. It’s one of a kind.” Her eyes watered as she smiled at me.

“No. No crying.” Anabelle fanned her eyes. “I can’t go all day with puffy eyes.”

“You’re right.” I wiped my cheek. “Who wants a mimosa?” I walked over to the bar and pulled a bottle of Veuve Clicquot from the wine bucket, the champagne Derek poured for me the first time I agreed to spend time with him.

“Derek insisted we serve Veuve for breakfast. He wouldn’t say why.” Nikki narrowed her eyes at me. “You can only have two glasses, though. You can drink all you want after the ceremony.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Nikki and Annie bickered through the entire breakfast. In the end, Nikki agreed to let Annie do my hair and makeup. But only after she listed her credentials as a well-known fashion blogger and after they both agreed on the updo to go with the dress and how smoky my eyeshadow should be. Anabelle sat next to me and made sure my champagne flute stayed full and properly chilled. At one point, she replaced the entire glass because she thought the wine had gone flat and warm.

I let them tug and push me to where they needed me. I already had Derek waiting for me at the end of all this. The breakfast, the dress, the party—they were all the cherry on top.

“What do you think?” Annie moved the mirror in front of me. “Should we do more blush?”

“I think it’s perfect.” I stared at the woman staring back at me.

“You look beautiful.” Lilly strode into the bathroom.

“Thank you. Annie is a true artist.” I spun around in my vanity chair and took Annie’s hand. “Annie, this is Derek’s mom.”

“Yes. We met.” Annie winked at me.

“I took the liberty of calling Annie to see if this would fit your choice of dress.” She showed me the red velvet box she had clutched to her chest. When she flipped it open, I gasped.

“I can’t accept that.”

“Well, it can be your something borrowed, if you think it’s too much.” She picked up the diamond necklace and handed it to Annie