The minute he disappeared, I felt drained. Would anyone notice if I snuck upstairs to regroup? I rose to my feet and dusted the seat of my dress. When I glanced up, Rebecca Smith glided onto the patio. Everyone ogled her while she made her way down the stone steps, not bothering to smile or acknowledge any of them. She kept her gaze zeroed in on a spot on the other side of the garden. She rushed along the lawn as her long red dress danced in the wind. Who was she after?
I made to chase after her, but two steps in, my heel sunk into the soft grass. When I yanked it out, the strap broke.Crap.I glanced in Rebecca’s direction, but she was gone. Chasing her in broken shoes would be kind of silly. I took off my sandals and headed upstairs to find a new pair.
Following the same path Derek used to get us out, I went through the basement where Wesley and Matt were still arguing. I waved at them when they glared at my muddy heels and feet. I continued upstairs through the kitchen until I found myself in the safety of the long corridor that led to our bedroom.
As soon as I shut the door behind me, exhaustion washed over me. Being around people drained me every time. I padded to the bathroom and washed my feet. The warm water was soothing and made me lean against the wall with my eyes closed. Was the party almost over? The invitation had said from seven until eleven in the evening. I shut off the water and walked over to the vanity dresser where I’d left my phone. It was nine. Two more hours to go.
When I spotted a note on my table, my body jerked from a spark of adrenaline. The familiar handwriting sent a chill down my spine. Tears stung my eyes. How in the world did Alex manage to leave me a note? In the bedroom Derek and I had been sharing for weeks now. My hands trembled as I read the salutation because I knew the rest of the note would be something out of the nightmares I still had about him.
Hey Val,
I bet you’d thought you’d never hear from me again. Did you miss me? Of course, you did. That momma’s boy you’re with now can’t possibly be man enough to satisfy you. I know you remember us. Sweetheart, I remember you. So how about a reunion? I happen to be in Atlanta and thought you’d love to see me. Max is also dying to see his mommy. Meet me tonight at eleven on the BeltLine near Krog street. Just you and five Gs, do you understand? Don’t make me hurt him. And, Val, don’t be late. I’m sure you remember how much I hate that.
My stomach cramped. He couldn’t have Max. He was in Tucson with Em. Fumbling, I dialed Em, but there was no answer. I tried Mom, but it went straight to voicemail. What would happen if I didn’t show? Or if I showed up late? Would he really hurt his own son? I pressed a hand to my cheek. Tears blurred my vision. My mind replayed all the times I did something Alex didn’t approve of. I wiped my face and stood.
Going alone wasn’t an option, but I also couldn’t risk being late and putting little Max in danger. I dialed Em again, and the call went straight to voicemail. And then it hit me like a bucket of ice water. Was this why Derek had been so upset earlier today? Was this what he was trying to tell me? That Alex had Max? Was that why he canceled the trip? The questions swirled angrily in my head. Why would he not tell me this? We’d said no more secrets. No, he tried, but the security guards showed up. They showed up to tell him what? How bad did it get that Derek had to go?
I couldn’t wait for Derek to bring me news. I had to go and see for myself. For Max, I had to put my fear of Alex aside. My stomach cramped again, and I bolted to the sink where I dry heaved. Alex Maio was a nightmare I survived six years ago when I was only nineteen. He used my dad to get away with everything he did to me. Dad was a retired cop. If he’d found out what my life with Alex was like, Dad would have killed him. Over the years, I wondered if I put up with it to protect Dad or because I was a fucking coward. I rinsed my mouth.
My fear of him meant nothing when it came to Max. I was ready to claw his eyes out if he dared touch my son. I pulled up maps on my phone. The meeting place was three miles away. I had time to get the money I needed and drive to the rendezvous place. I had to show Alex I wasn’t afraid of him anymore. I had to show myself I wasn’t afraid of him.
I sat on the vanity chair. My whole body hurt at the thought of seeing Alex again. I dropped my head between my hands. How could I pull this off? I glanced at the time again. Two hours. Right. All I had to do was go downstairs to Derek’s study, get the money, and somehow leave the house unnoticed.
With my heart pumping hard, I headed out of the room. The minute I reached the top of the stairs, I spotted Derek waiting at the bottom of the steps with a deep scowl across his forehead. Now what?
“Valentina.” Anabelle whisper shouted from behind me.
I’d never get used to how many small rooms this house had. Some of them weren’t even big enough to be bedrooms. She waved me over. “Do you do this a lot? Hide in random bedrooms.” I asked.
“Some.” She paced the small room, which only contained a table with a chessboard on it, a few Louis VI chairs upholstered in a powder-blue fabric, and a built-in bookcase filled with books. “Lilly wants me to play the piano today. For you and Derek.” She smoothed out her black gown with trembling hands. She really did look stunning in that dress.
“You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. Tell her.”
“It’s for you and Derek. Of course, I want to. But Wesley’s there now.” She glanced down at my ballet shoes, then up at my face. “Are you okay?”
Anabelle was my only shot. With Derek standing over by the front entrance, there was no way I could get past him. “It’s a long story. Promise me you won’t tell Derek. He won’t understand.”
“Of course. For you anything.”
“I need money to get my son back from my ex.” Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I wiped them quickly. No one could know I’d been crying. “I need five thousand dollars and a ride and also someone to keep Derek busy while I do all that.”
“Omigod, Valentina, of course. But why don’t you ask Derek? He’ll help you.”
“I can’t risk Alex hurting my son. He said not to tell anyone. All he wants is money. He’ll leave as soon as he has what he wants. It’s only money he cares about.”
“Okay. I got it.” She beamed at me. “A few piano ballads will keep everyone in the drawing room so you can do what you need to. I’ll text my driver.” She glanced down at her trembling hands before she fished her phone from her small bracelet purse. She hated performing in public. I was so sorry for doing this to her, but desperate times called for desperate favors from new friends.
“Thank you for doing this.” I squeezed her hand, both for moral support and reassurance for myself.
“I would give you the money myself. But these days I have to go through Wesley for that. And he’s got me on a measly allowance. God, I could hate my brother for putting him in charge of my money.”
“Why did Wesley cut you off?”
“Wesley’s afraid I’ll leave the country to see my brother Charlie.” She waved her hand in dismissal. “Are you sure you don’t want to tell Derek?”