I’d listened to him and let her be because I didn’t want to say the wrong thing again and push her into a decision she wasn’t ready to make. It’d taken half a bottle of bourbon to get me to pass out downstairs, even though all I wanted to do was to climb into bed with her and kiss her.
Valentina hadn’t left the house this morning, which meant she wanted to work things out. I missed her. I hated having to sleep alone in the same house as her. The thought that this situation could become permanent, that I’d have to spend the rest of my life without her, stifled me.
My phone rang on my way out of the bedroom. I answered without looking, another work problem I’d have to add to my never-ending pile. “Yeah.”
“Derek, Dom here.”
Hearing my lawyer and best friend’s voice stopped the pity party going on in my head. At least, he’d managed to find a life that made him happy. “Hey, man.” I glanced at my screen. “You’re in the office? I thought these days you only came in on Mondays.”
“Fuck you. It’s called work-slash-life balance.”
“What’s going on?”
“Work stuff, I’m afraid. Well, for me. Not you.” He paused, probably to see if I’d tell him to go to hell with more problems. At this point, one more thing didn’t matter. “Bridget’s lawyer called.”
“What the fuck? Does she not realize she’s not in jail becauseIchose not to send her there? What does she want now?”
“The short of it—she’s back at it. She left rehab, and now she needs serious money. You must be the only cash cow she knows.”
At the beginning of the summer, Bridget dangled divorce papers that asked for everything I owned. I wanted her out of my life so badly I almost accepted. Thanks to Dom, I fought back and figured out Bridget had been embezzling from my company for years. In exchange for a divorce and a peaceful life with Valentina, I agreed not to sue her. Big mistake. I should have known her addiction would not let up so easily. No doubt she was in bed with a loan shark again. Like before, it was pay up or die.
“How much?” I asked.
“I didn’t ask because you’re not giving her any more money. She walked away with five million not even a month ago. I’m sure she’s not strapped for cash.” He cleared his throat. “I called because she didn’t take to my bedside manner very kindly. We had words. And she more or less threatened Valentina’s life. I thought you should know. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was on her way to you right now. You know she doesn’t like to leave things for later.”
“Fuck.” I rubbed my forehead.
“My sentiments exactly. Just take care of yourself. Make sure the guards are aware of the situation, and you should be fine. I already notified the authorities. I should have a restraining order for you in a few days.”
“Thanks. What a nightmare. We were supposed to be on vacation.”
“Speaking of vacation, how’s Valentina liking Hotlanta?” He chuckled on the other end of the line.
These days Dom didn’t have time for regrets or ill will. He was determined to live life to the fullest with the love of his life. I should be doing the same. I strolled through the foyer toward the kitchen. The house was empty. On a beautiful day like today, I bet everyone was out back enjoying themselves.
“She’s liking it okay.”
“Wow, that bad, huh?”
“Thanks for the call, man.”
“You bet. I’ll keep you posted if anything else comes up. Be careful. Bridget’s not right. Smart and not right are a bad combination.”
“I know. See ya.” I ended the call and stood in the kitchen where the sunlight hit the breakfast nook. Why the hell was I going into the office instead of staying home?
Valentina had had enough time to make up her mind. I wanted her back. Maybe she’d gone out to the gardens after the photoshoot ended. I’d hope to have this conversation in a more private setting. I didn’t want Mom or my brothers to know she didn’t want to be here.
I made it as far as the foyer, where Mom stood under the sparkling chandelier ready to murder Bridget. Bridget was already inside the house.
“What the hell?” I glared at her.
“She wouldn’t let me see you.” Bridget said by way of explanation.
“That’s because there’s a restraining order against you. You can’t be here.” I glanced at Mom, and she nodded. She knew I was bluffing but played along anyway.
“Why won’t they let me see you?” Bridget narrowed her eyes, shaking her head once.
Seriously? Dom had said she wasn’t right, but now she was borderline delusional.