Page 41 of Unravel You

I let out a nervous laugh. Liam was practically an older version of Derek, but without the intimidating stare or intense energy about him. Derek must’ve gotten that from his mom. Liam’s blue gaze was friendly and inviting. He regarded me as if I were one of his patients, some five-year-old kid who needed to be put at ease.

“Anabelle has been very kind to me.”

He raised both eyebrows and covered his smile for a moment. He couldn’t be older than sixty. His hair was a mix of blond and silver. “I’m all caught up on Lilly’s unsavory welcome. Please don’t take it personal.” His eyes softened as soon as he uttered his wife’s name. “She’ll come around. I promise you. It’s just going to take a while longer for her to get used to the idea of letting go of Derek again, and now this house. She can be stubborn, but she can also tell when she’s in the wrong. Give her some time.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Derek tells me you grew up here.” My gaze followed the glass panels toward the high ceilings. “This place is incredible.”

“Derek did a great thing saving this house. It certainly didn’t look like this when I was growing up. Mom would’ve loved to see her greenhouse restored to its former glory.” He gestured toward the wooden table and the potted orchids heavy with colorful blooms. “Those were her favorite. Maybe when you and Derek move in, I can show you how to care for them.”

My arms tightened around me. Derek had gone on to plan an entire life for us and hadn’t thought to consult me on it. “Derek and I have no plans to move any time soon.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I mean he loves it here, but our lives are in Tucson.” Technically, that was a fat lie. Derek had already admitted I was the only thing keeping him in Tucson.

“Of course. I’m sorry. I suppose we just assumed that after all the time and effort Derek put into this house... I can see your point of view, though.”

Derek had bought this house over two years ago. He’d been renovating it since then. Up until he met me, he’d been planning to live here. I rubbed my temple. How could I take Derek away from all this? How could I leave my home to come stay here?

“There you are.” Anabelle rushed in, out of breath. “I’ve been looking for you all over.”

“I’m afraid that’s my fault. I kept her here.” Liam stepped in to kiss Anabelle gently on the cheek.

“You’re in trouble too. Why are you not dressed?”

“Did I miss something?” My gaze darted from Liam to Anabelle.

“Valentina, the photographer is already here. Everyone’s waiting on the two of you.”

Liam gave me a conspiratorial shrug. “In my defense, I was hiding here first.”

“I’m so sorry. I completely forgot.”

When I agreed to do engagement photos for the newspaper, Derek and I had been on the same page when it came to our relationship. But after our conversation last night, I wasn’t sure getting married was such a good idea. Posing for fake engagement pictures was the last thing I wanted to do today.

“Never mind. Let’s go. I’ll help you get dressed.” Anabelle gripped my elbow and escorted me out.

“I’m right behind you.” Liam called, but when I turned around to wave goodbye, he had already gone.

“Anabelle, I really don’t think I can go through with this today. Could we postpone?” Indefinitely.

“No. Derek is taken, and you need to make sure everyone knows it. You can figure out the logistics later.” She stopped at the bottom of the stone steps that led to the back patio. “I know you’re having doubts, but that’s normal. Getting married is a huge change.”

I nodded in agreement, but she took it as me conceding to whatever she had planned for the day. She flashed me a warm smile and pulled me up the stairs.

“There you are.” Derek met us in the foyer. The tentative glance he gave me said he also thought these photos were unnecessary at this point. “Mom laid out a dress for you. Would you mind wearing it?” He reached out, and my arm tingled in anticipation. When he stopped himself halfway, a cold shiver washed over me.

“I’ll wear the dress.” I clomped upstairs to our bedroom while he stayed there, staring at my back.

“Poor guy.” Annabelle waited until we were in the safety of the suite to comment. “He really wants to see you happy. Men can be so clueless sometimes.” She picked up a white dress off the bed. “Oh, this is beautiful. Let’s do your hair and makeup first.” She bolted toward the door and opened it to let two women in. Of course, Anabelle had thought of everything.

I sat in the vanity chair and let the two women do whatever they wanted with my hair and face. None of this mattered until Derek and I talked about what our future would look like. A real future, not the one he offered just to get me to say yes. Until I figured out what it was I wanted and how much I was willing to concede to what he wanted, there was no point in having that conversation.

“You’re so beautiful.” Anabelle met my gaze in the mirror, smoothing a curl away from my face. “Okay. Dress time.” She shoved me out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom.

The dress Derek’s mom had laid out for me was elegant and sophisticated in a soft fabric that felt like butter in my hands. If only it’d been a size bigger on top, I would’ve been able to wear it.

“This is not going work.” I took the bustier of the dress and pressed it against my chest. “This number was meant for someone with less boobs.”