Bastian's eyes twinkled, and he kissed her again, then trailed kisses along her jaw. “I'm pretty sure I have a fair idea of what you like now, Mira.” He murmured in her ear, wanting to be inside her. “How are you feeling so far?”
“Very relaxed and satisfied.” She smiled softly at him. “That was amazing.”
Bastian chuckled softly as he adjusted his position next to her. “Lie on your side with your back against me.” When she was against him, he reached down and hooked her leg back over his thigh, then pushed his cock into her while he played with her clit, rocking back and forth at a steady, firm pace. His left hand found her breast and teased her nipple as he pressed kisses along her shoulder to her neck until his mouth was resting by her ear. “You fit around me so nicely, Gorgeous.” He groaned as he nibbled her earlobe. Mirabelle leaned back on his shoulder; her soft moans were directly below his ear, driving him crazy. He began to move faster, listening to her for cues about what she was enjoying, gradually picking up speed as he felt her body tense.
“Fuck, I love that,” He groaned; her pussy was gripping him like a vice, making him lose his mind. “I love how tight you get just before you cum. Fuck, let me feel you cum on me.” He gently sank his teeth into her neck. Mirabelle turned her head toward him, and he kissed her, swallowing her cries as she camehard for the second time. Unable to hold back, he let go, his hips jerking as he came inside her, moaning her name.” They lay together quietly, catching their breath. Bastian pressed his head against her shoulder blade as he came down from the high. “I love you so much, Mirabelle.”
“I love you too, Bastian.”
Chapter Twenty-Two: Adopted
Mirabelle was woken up out of a sound sleep and dream by the sound of a door slamming. Heart pounding, she sat up and tried to get out of bed, but her legs were tangled up in the sheets, and she went down with a loud “oaf!” She lay still for a minute, trying to get her bearings and wake up completely from her dream that was lingering when the soft sound of Bastian’s deep chuckle reached her. “Morning Bunny.”
“Dammit Bast!” She pulled herself up onto her knees and glared over the top of the mattress at him. “You scared me! I was dreaming about being chased, then the door slammed, waking me up, and there was a big silhouette of a man standing there.”
“Sorry.” He cleared his throat, and she could tell he was holding back his laughter. “I had too many things in my hands, and the door slipped out of my grasp.” He disappeared out of sight, and she heard him set things down on the coffee table in the sitting room.
Mirabelle sighed and got to her feet, grabbing her robe off the chair next to the bed and pulling it on as she walked out to join him. “Where did you go?”
“I went to the gym and then grabbed breakfast for us.” Bastian gestured at the bags he’d set out on the coffee table. “Are you okay?” He looked her over as she approached him.
“I’m fine,” She grumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up as she yawned and stretched. “What time is it?”
“Just after ten.” Bastian started pulling out the food and setting it on the coffee table for them. “Did you have anything you wanted to do today?”
“I thought we were going to the Creature Conservancy and the Matthaei Botanical Gardens?” Mirabelle sat on the couch and accepted the orange juice he passed her as she looked up in confusion. That’s what was on his schedule for today, and she had been looking forward to both.
He looked a little guilty as he nodded. “Yeah, that is what’s on the schedule, but I ran into Victor and Francesca while I was waiting for our breakfast, and I was invited to play golf with Victor, Robert and an associate of Victor’s at the Detroit Golf Club.” Mirabelle sighed, knowing she couldn’t deny him a chance to golf somewhere he wouldn’t usually be able to.
“And you want to go golfing.”
“I do,” He nodded, looking sheepish about it. “I will stay with you if you want me to, but yes, I'm looking forward to golfing. I've heard great things about the Detroit Golf Club, but unfortunately, you have to be brought in as a guest if you aren't a member there, so this is an opportunity I may not get again.”
“And I want you to have that opportunity.” Mirabelle laughed at the expression on his face. “I figured you had at least one golf trip planned when you brought your clubs.” Bastian enjoyed golf the way she enjoyed the ocean, and while she also played, she was much more casual and relaxed about it.
“Ann Arbor has like twenty golf courses, Mira.” Bastian grinned, looking pleased that she was so understanding of his reasons for cancelling their plans for today, but Mirabelledidn’t really care that much; neither activity required tickets or reservations, so they could reschedule them. “Of course I did.”
“And since you didn't tell me to bring mine, it would be a solo outing.” She knew he preferred to play either by himself or with people who had the same level of seriousness about it as he did, and she fully understood that she was far too casual of a player for him to enjoy playing with, more interested in potential wildlife and nature pictures than the game.
“Yes.” He rolled his eyes and kissed her. “Because I knew you would want at least one day where you did nothing but swim and laze by the pool with a book.” That was also true, and the more she thought about it, the more appealing it became for her activity today. “But Francesca invited you to go to a spa in Detroit with her and Eleanor, so it’s up to you what you want to do today. But if you go, it will be an overnight trip, with a stay at the Hotel at The Detroit Club and dinner at the very upscale Bohemia at seven.” He gave her a slightly smug smile. “I think we've been adopted, Bunny.”
“Oh!” Mirabelle instantly perked up, a huge smile crossing her lips. “Wow. Okay. A spa day with Eleanor and Francesca sounds terrific. They always find the absolute best spas to go to. Plus, a night away and dinner at a super fancy restaurant means I’m much more okay with cancelling our plans and doing something else.
I’ll text Victor and let him know we’ll be joining them and book a room at the hotel for the night. You go shower, pack an overnight bag – including something appropriate for the restaurant.” Bastian instructed as he pulled out his phone and tapped on it. “We have to meet them in the lobby at noon; Victor has hired a car to take us. And….” He pulled out his wallet and passed her his credit card. “Your spa day is on me. Get whatever you want.”
“You don't have to do that.” But she took the card, knowing there was no point in arguing; he would call the spa as soon as he found out which one it was, give them his credit card number and tell them to put her treatments on it if she didn’t.
“I know I don’t have to; I want to.” He gave her a quick grin and nodded toward the bedroom. “Go get ready.”
“Hmph. Thank you for brunch, Bast.” She finished her juice and headed into the shower, then dressed in high-waisted, wide-legged navy-blue pants and a cream silk blouse and pulled her hair up into a bun. She had just finished packing her bag when Bastian appeared, freshly showered and wearing jeans and a navy button-down shirt,
“You look incredible, Bunny.”
“So do you.” She paused, looking him over as a tickle of memory about golf club rules struck her. “Are jeans allowed in the golf club?”
“In certain areas,” Bastian nodded. “We're having a drink in the bar to chat with Victor's friend before we start. There are changing rooms with lockers, so I'll change them before we hit the course. I have my golf clothes in my bag.”