Page 71 of Belle Amour

Eleanor grinned. “Well. I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't want to show up Eddie on his special day. But...” She passed her still-full glass of scotch over to her husband. “I've been ordering virgin drinks all week.”

Everyone looked at her, and then understanding crept across Francesca's face. “Eleanor! You're joking!”

Eleanor chuckled and shook her head. “Nope. Fourteen weeks. We were waiting to tell you because of the whole wedding thing.”

“You're having a baby?” Victor's voice cracked. “My baby is having a baby!” He jumped up and pulled her up to hug her.

“That's amazing, Eleanor!” Mirabelle grinned as Francesca joined them in their hug and pulled Robert up.

“Actually, Dad.” Eleanor's smile was smug. “Your baby is having two babies. So, we might have to postpone those pole dancing lessons, Mira.”

“I think so!” Mirabelle laughed.

“Two?” Francesca sat down in disbelief. “Two babies?”

“Yep. We were having a little trouble conceiving due to my age, so we were doing fertility treatments and ended up with two.” Eleanor explained as she sat beside her mother and took her hand.

“I can't believe we never noticed you not getting drunk.” Caroline laughed.

“I was so apprehensive about you getting arrested the night of the scavenger hunt.” Robert chuckled as Bastian, Peter, and Benji all shook his hand.

“There were a lot of very convenient distractions.” Eleanor laughed as the pilot announced they were about to begin their descent and told them to please return to their seats and put their seatbelts on.

Once they were in their seats, Mirabelle looked at Bastian. “How are you doing?”

“Great, Bunny, why?” He smiled and ran his fingers along the curve of her cheek.

“Just with Eleanor announcing her pregnancy. We'll never do that.” She still wondered if there was some part of him that wished he could be a father, but he shrugged and tilted his head at her with a teasing smile.

“So? We get to announce our engagement soon.”


“Yeah, within the next month or so,” Bastian pulled her into his side and wrapped his arm around her shoulders tightly. “And I was thinking we should get married in Hossegor. We haven't surfed there yet.”

“I was thinking of a beach wedding.” Mirabelle smiled. “Plus, it's close enough to Bordeaux that I don't think Francesca will mind too much.”

“Then it's settled. Married on a beach in France.”


“You are so much calmer than I was on my wedding day.” Caroline shook her head, her blonde curls bouncing as she zipped up Maribelle's dress. “I was an anxious mess.”

Maribelle laughed. “What could I possibly have to worry about? Juliette has everything handled.” They had a lot of hoops to jump through to get married in France, and their wedding planner, Juliette, had been an absolute Godsend to help them navigate it all. “That woman should be put in charge of world crises. She'd have them sorted out in two days.”

“Sorry, I'm late,” Eleanor called as she entered the large master bedroom of the enormous villa that was Francesca and Victor's wedding gift. “Dominic was out for the count in three seconds, but Vanessa refused to go down for her nap. I know she will give me problems when she's older; she’s already as stubborn as a mule.”

“I wouldn't worry too much about it.” Lila didn't look up from the magazine she was flicking through. “Mira just finished. Rene is tidying up a bit, and he'll be ready for you.”

“Oh, perfect.” Eleanor disappeared down the short hall to the bathroom where a temporary hair salon had been set up so Rene could do their hair.

“It's not just making sure everything is ready, although I fully admit to wishing I had a Juliette when I got married; itwas the idea of getting married at all.” Caroline continued her conversation as she stepped back and looked Mirabelle over with a critical eye before smiling. “Perfect.”

Mirabelle smoothed down the sides of her simple, white silk slip dress. It was identical to the ones her bridesmaids wore, except theirs was in a powder blue. “Bast and I belong together; this is decades in the making, so nope, not concerned at all.” She slipped on her white ballet flats. Getting married on the beach meant heels were impossible, not that anyone had complained.

“Mirabelle! It is time for the first look!” Juliette came bustling into the room. “When Eleanor is finished, we will need you all in the tent by the entrance. So, help her get ready as quickly as possible, no?”

“Will do.” Marie appeared behind Juliette, holding an armful of bouquets. “The groomsman are all ready to go and waiting for us as well.”