Page 34 of Belle Amour

Mirabelle and Bastian entered the lobby and spotted Robert and Eleanor sitting beside the door, their bags and Robert’s golf clubs beside them. They stood up when they saw them coming and smiled as they hugged and shook hands hello.

“I'm so happy you decided to join us!” Eleanor was beaming as she let Mirabelle go and hugged Bastian. “Mother and I get along very well, but having someone my age with me is much better.”

“I have to agree,” Robert nodded as he gave Mirabelle a gentle squeeze. “I'm glad Bastian agreed to come and balance out my afternoon with Victor and his friend.”

“Oh, I wouldn't have worried, Robert. Bastian was going to go with you guys regardless.” Mirabelle grinned as she stepped back. “But I'm very excited about having a spa day.” Eleanor hooked her arm through Mirabelle's and led her over to sit beside her on the loveseat.

“It's needed, believe me. Eddie and Casey practically have Mother pulling her hair out.” A pinched, disgusted expression crossed Eleanor's delicate features. “They joined us for breakfast this morning and asked if Mother and Father or Robert and I would pick up the bill for the rehearsal dinner. We declined immediately, as I’m still irritated with their cheapest item on the registry comment, but Father got out his chequebook and was very passive-aggressive as he wrote the check.”

“Francesca, dear, didn't your parents pay for our wedding? As custom dictates?” Eleanor mimicked her father’s voice. “Mother was just done and said, “Yes, Dear. Your parents paid for the rehearsal, mine for the reception, and we paid for the rest.” Eleanor rolled her eyes. “Casey never said a word, just looked bored, but Eddie had the decency to look embarrassed about it.”

“We decided after some discussion following breakfast to pay for the wedding from his trust fund and give him whatever is left.” Francesca and Victor joined them and hugged Mirabelle hello. “You look lovely, dear.”

“You do as well.” Mirabelle smiled at her; Francesca always looked like she just stepped out of a high fashion catalogue.

“I think us three men are fortunate to have such beautiful wives.” Victor smiled as Mirabelle kissed his cheek and hugged him hello.

Bastian grinned, looking delighted when Francesca hugged him and kissed his cheek. Mirabelle bit her lip to hide her giggle. Older women tended to love Bastian; he was very charming and courteous, which they appreciated, but this was the first time she’d seen him enjoy it so much. They were collecting their bags and heading toward the door when an agitated voice boomed across the lobby.


Chapter Twenty-Three: Inevitable

Mirabelle froze when she recognized Eddie's voice. She hadn’t spoken to him since Bastian got the no-contact order against him and Casey. She let it expire after the divorce was finalized, and Eddie showed no interest in being in contact with her after the judgment was passed down, although she had no idea if it was because of how thoroughly she and Bastian cleaned him out, if he felt guilty, or if Casey didn’t want him in contact with her, she just knew she had no interest in talking to him. She got all the closure she needed when he looked into her eyes as he came inside another woman. She felt Bastian’s hand on the small of her back and let him guide her out the door and to the car, where he passed their luggage over to the driver.

She felt someone take her hand and looked over to see Eleanor had followed them out, a small grin on her face. “Don’t worry, Mira, this was inevitable.” She squeezed gently. “Just sit back and enjoy the show.” She winked at Bastian and passed her bags over to the driver, then the three of them moved to one side so Victor, Francesca, and Robert could do the same.

Mirabelle reluctantly turned around, saw her ex-husband for the first time in six months and almost let out a gasp of shock. He had gained at least twenty - twenty-five, if not thirty, pounds and his face had the puffy look of an alcoholic. While she knew Eddie enjoyed his beer and tended to overindulge onhis boys' weekends, but she would never have believed he was drinking to the point that it would affect how he looks.

“What, exactly, do you think is a joke?” Victor turned around and folded his arms as he regarded his son and youngest child with a look that said he wasn’t in the mood for any of this.

Eddie ran his hand over his exasperated and mildly panicked face. “She’s my ex-wife, and he’s her divorce lawyer that destroyed my life.” He gestured at Mirabelle and Bastian without looking at them. “Why are you spending time with them?”

“Eddie, Dear, you invited Mirabelle on our behalf, remember?” Francesca sounded like she was counting to ten in her head. “Why do you think we wanted her here if not to spend time with her?” Francesca waved her hand dismissively as she joined Victor, effectively creating a barrier between Mirabelle and Bastian and Eddie, and Mirabelle noticed that Eleanor and Robert had also subtly shifted, so they were between her and Bastian and Eddie.

Eddie was brought up short; his mouth dropped open, and he looked like a goldfish for a minute as he tried to come up with a response. “Because you should be putting in more energy and effort getting to know Casey and her family, not spending time with my ex!”

“No thanks.” Eleanor shook her head and snorted out a laugh. “We’ve known Casey for years; you already know we don’t like her, and her family is nothing but drama, or did you forget about the fistfight at brunch yesterday?” Eddie frowned but couldn’t seem to find an argument to dispute Eleanor’s claim.

“Still!” He sputtered, his face growing red from anger or embarrassment; Mirabelle wasn’t sure. “It looks like you’reflaunting that you don’t support my marriage to Casey and that you prefer Mira over her.”

“So, the fact that we’re single-handily paying for your second black-tie wedding in four years reads as unsupportive to you?” Victor folded his arms and raised his eyebrow. “Because if that’s the case, we’re happy to show what not being supportive actually looks like.” Eddie somehow managed to flush an even deeper shade of burgundy but fell silent, watching them resentfully. Seemingly satisfied that he wasn’t going to cause a scene with Mirabelle or attack Bastian, Francesca turned and swept past them as she headed to the car.

“Don't be so rude, Eddie. Say hello to Mirabelle and Bastian.” She gave Mirabelle a wink as she walked by, and Mirabelle had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing. This was a side of Eddie she didn’t know existed, but she was enjoying watching him get put in his place. She watched curiously as Eddie took a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing his eyes momentarily as he appeared to push down a great deal of resentment and finally looked at Bastian.

“Bastian.” He nodded curtly with a smile that was very forced and didn’t reach his eyes at all.

“Eddie.” Bastian nodded back with a similar smile. “You're looking well.” Mirabelle bit down harder on her tongue, knowing Bastian was making a dig under the guise of a polite observation because Eddie looked anything but well. Eddie seemed to pick up on it because he glared for a moment before reluctantly shifting his gaze to Mirabelle, his expression softening and what might have been regret flashing in his eyes.

“Mira,” his voice was soft and had a hint of affection that was obvious, judging by the looks his family exchanged. “You look incredible.”

“Thank you, Eddie.” Mirabelle tried to relax and smile, but the best she could manage was a tight-lipped grimace. “I guess congratulations are in order for both the wedding and the baby.”

“Yeah. Thanks.” He responded indifferently, his eyes flickering where Bastian’s hand rested possessively on her hip with a frown. “Guess you two are together now.”

Before she could respond, Bastian’s hand tightened slightly. “Yes.” He confirmed, his voice even and calm. “It's recent but was a long time coming. There was no way I was going to give her the chance to get away again.”

“Right.” Eddie’s mouth tightened, his eyes lingering on Bastian’s hand a little longer than necessary, and Mirabelle was reminded that he’d always been jealous of Bastian. After a moment of silence, he blinked, cleared his throat and looked at his family. “I was looking for you to let you know all the guests have arrived, and we're doing the bachelor and bachelorette parties tomorrow night.” He glanced at Mirabelle and Bastian again and seemed to steel himself, taking another deep breath with his eyes closed, resentment clear on his face. “Bastian and Mira are welcome to join us, I guess.”