He shrugged, appearing to be unbothered by what she had assumed, but she could see he was miffed that she thought that way about him. “Didn't see a point since I never got serious about them.”
She squeezed his hand to show her remorse, knowing he would wave her off if she apologized again and more curious about why he never found someone to be serious about. “Why not?”
Bastian snorted and shook his head, pulling his hand free as he leaned down and pulled his carry-on out from under the seat. “I have impossibly high standards, and they never compare.”
“Compare to who?” she asked, watching as he got his laptop and set it up on the tray because that didn’t really make sense. Bastian dated all kinds of women physically. She could honestly say he didn’t have a type that way. Although he did tend to avoid redheads since his divorce, he was more interested in someone’s intelligence and personality.
“You have to ask?” He rolled his eyes and started clicking on his laptop. Mirabelle frowned, annoyance beginning to set in. Mirabelle was smart, but she was pretty sure Bastian had genius-level intelligence, something he brushed off and put down to having a good memory. He would occasionally act like she should know the answer to something and get annoyed when she didn’t, which never failed to irritate her.
“Well, I don't know! How am I supposed to know? You vaguely mention having a date to me, then don’t say anything else about it other than it didn’t work out!” Mirabelle burst out in frustration. “It’s not like we discuss our sex lives, Bast!”
Bastian shook his head, still looking like he couldn’t believe she didn’t know. “It doesn't matter.” He said firmly as he turned his laptop toward her. “Here. I did some research into things to do in Ann Arbor while we’re there that were supposed to give us a chance to show off our loving, happy relationship, but since we’re going as friends, let me know which ones you want to do.”
Distracted momentarily from his dating life, Mirabelle leaned over to read the schedule he had put together. In true Bastian fashion, it was an organized and in-depth spreadsheet.
10 AM: Arrival
11 AM: Check-In (Weber Hotel)
7 PM: Dinner Reservations (The Earle)
Art Galleries
Luna Beach
8 PM Tribute to Fleetwood Mac