“Not right now.”

“You can stay with me as long as you want.”

“Your mother would be ok with that?”

“Absolutely, Ryah. My mom adores you. The guest room is yours as long as you want.”

“Thanks for the offer. I might consider leasing an apartment.”

I understood Ryah was upset. She just needed a little time to calm down.

“How about we stay in a suite tonight and revisit going to my parents tomorrow?”


“Don’t forget we’re partying next weekend, Princess.”

Her head thudded the leather headrest. “Rocco, I can’t wait until May fifth. You’re so lucky that your birthday falls on Cinco De Mayo. And it’s on a Friday. It’s the best of both worlds.”

“It is.”

Threading our fingers, I kissed her soft skin.

“Dinner was fabulous.”

Her coily hair fell in her face as she blushed. “I’m happy you enjoyed it.”

Ryah released my hand and turned to the buildings flying by en route to the Four Seasons. Sitting at the red light, I shoved my ear buds in my ears and called dad.

“Hey, Rocco, how was dinner?”

“The food was delicious. But Ryah and I left. Luciano and Melanie got into an argument.”

“Let me guess. It was about Rosetta.”

“Yup.” I peeked at her briefly.

“I need you to call the Four Seasons. Let them know I’m arriving soon.”

“Hey, make sure you use protection. I don’t want any juniors running around here yet.”

I sighed. “Yeah, dad I got it. One more thing. Ryah might stay with us for a while.”

“It’s not a problem. We’d be happy to have her.”

My heart warmed. I loved how supportive my family was.

“Thanks, dad. Talk to you later.”

“Anytime, son.”

He disconnected the call.

“I told you. He said you can stay as long as you’d like.”

A small smile crept upon her lips.

This wasn’t the first time I’d seen Ryah depressed over her parents' arguments. It was different this time because I was her man. I’d move heaven and hell for this girl.