I tapped the remote and waited for one of my favorite action movies to appear on the screen.
My head was spinning. I couldn’t handle bright light today. The blinds were closed blocking out the sun. A sliver of light crept through the cracked bathroom door.
Last night, I dreamed about my ordeal. I remembered clutching the truck door handle and dodging bullets. The loud bangs penetrated my ears in my dreams. The daughter of Luciano Conti was almost murdered last night. My heart lurched in my chest. Maybe Rocco was right. No more heists for a little while.
Heavy knuckles rattled my open door.
“Are you up for company?”
I peeked at dad.
“Not that I could get rid of this guy, anyway. I’m convinced he’d camp out in the living room across from your mom and I just to be close to you.”
Rocco thumbed his lip as he eased past him. “You’re a funny guy, Luciano. I wouldn’t sit downstairs and bother you and Ms. Soloman. I’d sit in the corner.” He pointed across my bedroom.
“See I need to be near her whenever I can.” Rocco shrugged out of his jacket and winked at me.
A large smile crossed my lips.
“I’ll be here every day, Luciano.” He peeked over his shoulder as he tossed his leather jacket on the chair.
“She doesn’t need to see you that often.”
“Luciano, I beg to differ. I’ll read Ryah her lessons. You know, make sure she doesn’t fall behind the two days she’s out of school.”
Dad palmed his hand. “Hmm. Maybe. Just maybe you’re an ok kid.”
Rocco laughed. “I’ll remember you said that. Because one day I’ll be your son-in-law.”
“Don’t push it, Rocco.”
“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.”
They chuckled.
“Melanie will bring dinner up.”
“Luciano, just yell and I’ll come down and get her meal.”
“All right.”
Dad’s green eyes met mine. “Ryah, honey, do you need anything?”
“No. But thanks for letting Rocco sit with me.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” Dad’s heavy footsteps pounded the stairs in the distance.
Rocco walked to the other side of my bed. He kicked off his shoes and cozied up to me. “Are we watching all three Die Hard movies or just the first one?”
I smiled up at him. “We’ll start with one.”
Rocco grabbed the remote and stroked my hair. I was convinced he loved my coils more than me.
“I didn’t expect to see you today because of that thing.”
“Oh, not to worry, Princess. That thing is ancient history.”
My boyfriend killed for me today. Not saying I didn’t know Rocco was heartless. I just didn’t expect him to kill a person this early in our relationship.
He leaned into my ear. “No one hurts my woman and lives to talk about it.”
The tiny hairs stood on my neck. Rocco puffed my pillow under my head and turned his attention to the movie.
His dark curls laid perfect on his head. He smelled exceptional. Not like he spent hours chopping a hefty man into pieces. This was the life we lived. You hurt a Conti or Andrisani and you could pay with your life.