“Thanks for being real, unlike the jealous bitches behind me.”
I heard them smack their lips. No need to look at their disgusting faces. I’ll encounter many girls today who have a new found hate for me. I was hated because the boy they crushed on didn’t desire them. He desired me. The way his arm hooked around my neck this morning, reminded everyone that I belonged to him. It was intoxicating.
I flashed a genuine smile before returning my attention to the lecture.
By third period, my stomach felt like it was touching my back. Loud noises erupted from my tummy. I didn’t eat breakfast this morning. One more hour and it would be time to eat lunch.
Half way through the lecture, Kurin, a football jock, tapped my shoulder.
I glanced at him. “Yes?”
“Ryah, I think the hot chick’s trying to get your attention.” He pointed at the door.
Did Emily have the balls to come to my class?
My eyes widened at the sight of the familiar face.
“Dr. Haun, I need to go to the restroom. It’s an emergency.”
“Yes, Ms. Soloman. Hurry back.”
The second he turned back to the chalkboard, I gathered my belongings and skated out of the class.
“Scarlet, what are you doing here?” I closed the door behind me and peered down the long hall.
“Walk with me.” She ran her fingers through her red and black blunt cut. She was twenty, but could pass for sixteen easy.
“I heard you had a run in with a bratty bitch this morning.”
“Yeah, Rocco intervened before the principal caught us.”
She halted in front of the girls restroom. The sign on the door read out of order.
“Scarlett, we have other working bathrooms.” I jabbed my thumb over my shoulder.
“No, we’ll use this one.” She nodded toward the door.
I stepped inside. The drab gray and black speckled restroom with chrome accents appeared to be in working order.
She smashed her black hiking boot into the middle stall door.
“Ah,” someone yelped. Never removing my eyes off of Scarlet, I inched closer.
Her hand stretched, guiding my gaze. My brows lifted. “Wait is this my-”
“Surprise. Yes,” she finished my sentence, accompanied by a smile.
“Rocco said you planned to fuck this bitch up. In private.” Her voice was gritty. Scarlet’s tanned cheeks flushed as her jade eyes roamed Emily’s visibly shaken body. Maybe she got off on violence.
Emily waggled on the toilet. Her wrists and ankles were zip tied. She whimpered around the gag.
Scarlet’s hand landed on my shoulder. “Hey, we don’t need an audience to prove a point.”
Scarlet reminded me of a young Charlize Theron. No one would guess she was a stone-cold murderer. Now that I thought about it, I’d never known her to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Guess you could say she was married to the job.
“Ryah, once you show this chick you don’t play games, she’ll never fuck with you again. Oh, I almost forgot. I brought tools. Even a plastic sheet if things get messy. You know, if you want to chop her up right here. We can do that.”
Emily’s gray eyes bulged and tears spilled over her cheeks.