I shrugged. “See you around, Emily.”
“Fuck you, Rocco.” She stormed into the house.
“Yup,” I stated aloud. Her fit didn’t move me. I didn’t give a fuck about Emily. Holding the red cup against my lips, I gulped the whiskey as I peered to my right.
Several of Elon’s teammates huddled around him near the firepit on the patio.
“Elon,” I yelled.
His head snapped in my direction.
“We need to have a talk,” I waved him over.
Beating his ass in public would deliver the right message to all the other fuckers who wanted to fuck my girlfriend.
“About what?” His best friend, Will, threw his hands in the air.
An evil smirk fell across his chestnut complected face.
“Why the fuck are you answering for him? Are you his bitch?”
Will inched closer. Elon gripped his shoulder. “Chill, I’m not intimidated by the gangster.”
His brown eyes darkened as he walked toward me. “What do you want?”
I placed the empty cup on the bar. “We need to talk about the conversation I overheard earlier today.”
He swiped a hand over his pale jaw. “You eavesdropping like a little bitch now, Rocco?”
We stood toe-to-toe.
“Earlier, you spoke of Ryah like she was trash. Thought she’d give you her virginity, then you’d offer her to your teammates. Maybe that’s what you and your buddies do to other girls, but not Ryah.”
“Dude, that statement was made before she became your girl.”
I slammed my palms into his chest. He staggered back. “Doesn’t fucking matter if she was my woman or not. I respect her. That means everyone respects Ryah,” I roared, grabbing him by the front of his white t-shirt and pounding his face with my fist.
“You no good bastard. Thought you’d pass around Ryah.”
I threw him to the ground. His foot landed against my abs, forcing me to stumble back.
Strength of the Andrisani men came over me. I stalked toward him, thrusting my boot into his side again and again.
“You thought you were good enough to lay a hand on Ryah. Fucking never.”
Pulling him to his feet by his shirt, I punched him square in his nose.
He threw a fist toward me, I dodged it. My knuckles met his jaw again and again.
“She’s mine. Her pussy has always belonged to me. Ryah has always been mine.”
Horror filled the eyes surrounding us.
I tossed Elon to the cement like a peasant.
A few of the girls licked their lips. Of course, they were turned on by my savage behavior.
My foot slammed into his stomach repeatedly.